2015-2016-More BOEs just arrived!
by Atlantis 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
These BOEs just arrived!.2015/9/25.Re: Global Assistance Arrangement for the 2016 Service Year..2015/10/15.Re: Kingdom Hall Information..2015/10/20.Re: 2016 Special Conventions..2015 DC-83-E.JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS DC-83-E..2016/1/4-25/.Our Christian Life and Ministry Meeting Answer SheetFOR USE BY MEETING CHAIRMAN FOR WEEKS OF JANUARY 4-25, 2016....Petra! -
Meat in due season! Thanks Atlantis
Thanks Atlantis! -
The description for that Global Assistance Arrangement sounds like a fund set up specifically for lawsuit settlements disguised as "disaster relief." -
Muddy Waters
This is great! Thank you!
... thought this was "interesting" from the Kingdom Hall Information letter (especially Point #9)! Sounds eerily familiar.... ("Gotta problem? Never mind going through official channels, call the Branch FIRST!!)
8. Safety law. The Health and Safety at Work (etc.) Act, 1974, does not apply to Kingdom Halls. Volunteers are not paid for any work done on the property, and no legal relationship is in- tended between volunteers and the trustees of the congregation. However, good safety practices should still be observed, and we view legal requirements as our minimum standard where they are relevant to our operations.
9. There is no need to display any safety posters such as the Health and Safety Law poster, nor is there any need to report injuries to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or prepare a health and safety policy. In the event of an accident, the branch office should be informed by means of an Incident Report (TO-5). You must display a “No Smoking” sign in the required format at the entrance.
I can't believe their attitudes towards health and safety at the KHs. Where I live the local cong undertook some major renovations that involved demoltion and they had people who were complete building virgins wielding sledge hammers jack hammers and nail guns. There were little kids and babies running amongst it, it was hard to tell if the auditorium that was a building site or a playground.
No hard hats, no organization of teams or jobs or zones. No qualified oversight, a real free-for-all. There were a few minor accidents but it could have been worse, much worse.
In the kitchen where there was a large electric urn that leaked boiling water at the spout placed up on the table and the smaller kids were playing underneath it!!!!
OMG it was a nightmare!!
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Hang on, "we view legal requirements as our minimum standard", but 'there's no reason to prepare a health and safety policy or report accidents to the HSE?'.
Ain't that the best practise, if not legal, and therefore minimum standard?
Beth Sarim
Thanks Atlantis. -
4. Ownership and property trustees. Separate correspondence will be issued in connection with the current ownership arrangements for Kingdom Halls. -
12. Electrical safety. Only competent persons should work on electrical systems.
In the event of an accident, the branch office should be informed
Is that before or after the ambulance is called?