Are you getting grey?

by JH 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • pamkw

    I am in my early 40's but no grey hair. I have been told red heads grey slower than most. I know my great-grandmother was way in her late 60's before she turned grey. I got my red hair from her. So I think I have a few more years to be a lighter shade of the red I was when I was young. Pam

  • iiz2cool

    I started getting my first grey hairs in my beard at 21, but not too many. I'm getting ALOT more now and don't like it.

    I've colored my hair a few times just to try it out. It may become a habit.


  • patio34

    No, i'm getting "silvery."


  • animal

    I went gray, almost overnite, after my heart surgery. I was 38.


  • moonwillow

    No gray hairs here and when they do show up I'll let them show their true colors. This lady isn't going to color her hair

  • CoonDawg

    I shaved my beard, which was where most were showing up. I do still get some around the sideburns...and a few others scattered. I'm only 32, but I don't care if I get more grey. My dad has gone all silver, and it looks pretty good on him. I figure I have a good shot of the same. Besides...maybe I'll catch up to my wife who is now salt and pepper.


  • waiting

    Hey Silvery Pat!

    I'm silvery too. My hair stylist refuses to allow me to screw around with the color. And I'm much too lazy to color it correctly.

    And my irritating daughter told me I "look more intelligent with some gray throughout my dark hair." I asked her "More intelligent than when?"

    Her response with eyeball rolling, "Mommmmmmmmmmmm."

    "salt & pepper"..........yep, that describes Pat and me. Both more pepper than salt so far.

  • DakotaRed

    I am not gray, I just have dull platinum blonde hair. What else would you expect? I'm not getting old either, just seasoned.

  • simplesally

    No, I am getting redder and better.

  • HadEnuf

    Started getting gray, no; actually it is more white than my late 20's. When I thought it started making me look old I started coloring it which was a pain in the a** because I wear my hair so short. But a couple of years ago I decided to just let it be gray...still have half dark brown mixed in and I wear it short and spiky. People tell me it looks cool (for an old lady) am gonna keep it this way. Ala naturel!!! I'll be 50 next year and when you hit 50 you can stop worrying what other people think. Well...actually...I stopped worrying about what other people think when I left the Watchtower!! GRAY POWER!!

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