I just noticed the CLAM illustration of "reject brazen conduct" a young man in service walking past 2 others drinking beer and playing cards. I know elders who do both.
Brazen conduct
by road to nowhere 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
resolute Bandicoot
Home brew in the wardrobe is pretty commonplace at Bethal. Hypocrites.
Like most things with WT, it’s who you do it with . Having a beer and playing cards with worldly people is WRONG ... playing cards with other JWS is RIGHT .
Go figure
Pfft! That’s nothing, I conducted the TMS and my SM parts blackout drunk.
So is the elders meeting in the pub for a few pints at the end of the meeting a no-no now?
LOL! I was thinking the same thing when I saw this picture. Just last week, I was playing cards while drinking beer with a few other elders and servants.
Nah, it's not the cards and the beer that's the problem. It's the... umm... wearing t-shirts in public?
Yeah, that must be it. When casually walking around town, you absolutely must be the only douchebag in the neighborhood wearing a tie, and make sure to take every possible opportunity to snub your nose at normal people who aren't doing anything wrong.
Matthew 6:1 “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.
I guess the Jobo corporation missed this. Well, they're not inspired(tm) or some other crap that gives them a free pass.
They do like to show off about how much better than you they are. I wouldn't pee in their ears if their brains were on fire.
I’m no fan of Ayn Rand, but a particular conversation between Ferris and Reardon in Atlas Shrugged comes to mind.
" Brazen Conduct " was brought in so they could get rid of troublemakers who actually had broken no Scriptural rule. It depends how local Elders interpret it, good luck if your Elders are Nazis, or just shits who have taken against you, they can find anything they like and call it " Brazen Conduct".
Spot on Phizzy!