Reading about the low attendance "happifies" me. lol
Convention attendance
by joe134cd 19 Replies latest jw experiences
Beth Sarim
And this could explain the smaller & smaller venues for conventions too.
I wonder if the day will come when only elders can be bothered turning up?
It's fun to think about, but unlikely.
Beth Sarim
Not former;.
You never know. With all the hyped-up fear of the internet & control tactics the Borg utilities,,, it will only pique the $heeples curiosity.
You just never know,,,, what you're saying is,,,,, this kinda has been thrown out there. A few die hards show up & realizing """" Where did everybody go????""""
The internet is,,,,,, """ the great equalizer"""
Beth Sarim
What the Borg can't really afford at all is,,,, everyone becoming PIMO all at once..
There goes the donation$$$$$...
Free labor &....
the control.
True Beth, when I started to just "stir and open my eyes a bit" before fully "waking up", I cancelled my monthly donation, and never gave them a penny after that. I thought to myself "They don't need it, me and my wife do".
That was about 3 or 4 years before I woke up in any significant way.
Hopefully the low attendances are indicative of people waking up a bit, and maybe not donating as much, or even nothing. This will cause the org to take ever more obvious steps to raise money, and increase donations, as even a wealthy org. needs Cash Flow regularly.
Whatever they do to extort more money, it will make more people PIMO, and hence be counter productive, I sincerely hope !
Beth Sarim
As one quits donations & ceases to attend meetings,,, the elders' "antennas go up" . As some have stated.
Truly "happifying" events as we draw ever closer to "The End".......the end of the WatchTower cult, that is!
Oh'll have some totally brain-dead zombies lingering on for another 100 years (think Bible Students, who are still out here in Pennsylvania, barely) but the demise of this cult is for REAL!
Just like Scientology, the jig is up! Only the born-ins and truly mentally deficient who lack any sort of critical thinking skills or the ability to use a search engine would willfully join any of these cults. (think low IQ on the verge of mentally retarded)
The moving and sorting of the circuits with still a lot of empty seats at Conventions is a real tell-tale sign that the cult's leadership is merely rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. The only thing that will really keep this cult afloat isn't membership donations, but instead their massive real estate portfolio and now extensive investment funds. Those are the gifts that will keep on giving if managed properly. Fugg the membership, they're on their own! (as usual, as WT HQ doesn't have a clue about real charity or giving one red cent back to the pauper Congregations)
I'm just so happy to be free (I'm now out longer than I was in!) as well as seeing others leaving in droves, in particular the youth who are sick of this boring, lame-ass bullshit! (especially when compared with their friends and school mates more modern, charitable churches)
Truly, the "sighing and moaning" and "gnashing of teeth" must be a sight to behold up at the lake side cult compound, as the "waters of life" (aka: da money from the suckers) dries up.
Ya time goes on.....I really wonder if Anthony Moron da Turd didn't see the handwriting on the wall, and decide to get the hell outta Dodge while the gettin' was good, with a fist full of dollars, a golden parachute, and a glass of Scotch? He's totally missing out on the legal tidal wave that WT HQ is experiencing right now, and he's got to be grinning from ear to ear while reclining in his Lay-Z-Boy. He was brash, yes, but stupid? Maybe not so much. Cheers to you, TOMO3, on your swift getaway! lol
At the assembly this summer, there were people who were travelling 700 kms to attend. I am not too sure if it by choice. Some of the ubers do the whole summer tour, like they are following the Grateful dead . My province didn't even have a summer assembly this year.
Beth Sarim
Following the Grateful dead....🤣😄