I would think with all their demands on the rank and file that they should all at least get there 10 hours in a month. Just curious. Anyone know?
Does the Governing Body practice what they preach and go door to door or stand behind the carts?
by Bob Loblaw 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well they don't Aux or Reg pioneer, that's for sure. They wouldn't even try it for a year
Don't know about today...assume they go in FS...know ones who were out in FS with Freddy Franz. Saw Milton Henschel doing tract work by himself in a park in Brooklyn on a Sunday afternoon.
Yes , they do both
They take first class flights around the world, always traveling, welcomed by people who take them out to nice restaurants or good cooked meals. They designate every piece of work they have to do. Doubt they really do any work.
Barrold Bonds
This question gets asked every few months.
Yes they do go out in field service with the congregations.
I stand to be corrected but is it true that Rutherford never did any witnessing?
I've only seen one picture of Sam Herd in field circus, and it was photo-shopped.....
Maybe the forum should have "frequently asked questions" section:
1. Do Governing Body members go on the ministry? Yes
2. Are there hidden Satanic images in the literature? No
3. Was Russell a Freemason? No/who cares?
4. Did Johhnny the bethelite help build a tunnel under Brooklyn? Of course, dear
5. Why do links to Cedars not work? Because he's temperaMental
6. Should we believe in evolution? "Believe" is the wrong word you dunderheid! Evolution is a glorious fact - end of story.
7. When will JWs start declining in number? Soon, any day now, it's just around the corner!
8. Is there financial corruption in organisation? Probably
9. Is the governing body going to drop its blood/1914/shunning policy? Yes, as soon as hell freezes over.
Just remember brothers who give public talks at KHs, assemblies, conventions get to count their time. In the old days, my husband gave a talk every week away. Brothers get to count time working a WTS construction builds, etc. Parents of small children get to count 4 hours (most never have a family study). But I did know GB that liked and did go door to door. Most are dead though. Do the new ones? I remember elders who would drop off the publishers in the territory and take a teenage son or MS with them, getting the .oil changed, pick up the mail and dry cleaning, do a drive by shepherding call, take an hour coffe break/breakfast stop and then stop by to pick up female family