Evolution is a Fact #20 - Lucy in the Sky ....
by cofty 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Does anyone have an up to date human evolution diagram showing the timelines of homo and australopithecines please. I would like to compare what Johanson wrote in 1981 with what is thought now and Google just throws up a load of diagrams, most without posting dates. -
Lucy? Really???
There are so many critics of Lucy it isn't even funny. It reminds me of what people say about the Bible. First, it takes faith. Second, they have added to it. Third, they make the final product look better than it actually is. I want to believe in "Lucy", but like many atheists say about "sky daddy". Well, "Lucy in the sky" ...Hmm.... I see a parallel.
Does anyone have an up to date human evolution diagram showing the timelines of homo and australopithecines please
Hi Xant. There have been some significant discovered in recent years that may redraw the hominid family tree. Putting labels on fossils is a very subjective process and it may be that the number of separate species the have been identified will be reduced. The main point is that there is a whole series of pre-human species that show all the progressions from small-brained walking on all fours to large brained bipeds. This image will give you an overview of the main players in the history of humans...
There are so many critics of Lucy it isn't even funny - TheLiberator
There are buffoons all over the internet that deny the most compelling evidence. Perhaps you remember the "Evolution" book were you were a JW. The evidence against evolution of that sort of facile level.
Lucy is just one specimen of hundreds of australopithecus Afarensis. Between them they tell us about a species of hominid who lived 3 million years ago and walked upright like no creature on earth today other than humans. The evidence from their legs, hips joints, knees and ankles all tell the same story. Nobody has added to the evidence or exaggerated it. You can go and visit an accurate cast of Lucy and her relatives in most museums. I have visited the Natural History Museum in London and stared in awe at the line of pre-human ancestors looking back at us. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to believe that humans were a special creation.
The most powerful evidence is found in our DNA. You can find explanations of some of the evidence in this index... and there is more to come.
Lucy's species is just one of many demonstrating the evolution of homo Sapiens from non-human ancestors.
The main point is that there is a whole series of pre-human species that show all the progressions from small-brained walking on all fours to large brained bipeds.
Yes I understand but Johanson is talking at length about where Lucy fits in and the problems they had at the time with potassium-argon dating of volcanic tuff. I just wondered if knowing what evidence we have now would shed any light on it for me. Thanks for that cofty.
I will have a look for the source later but you are right about the initial dating difficulty.
The development of Argon-Argon dating settled it.
Really interesting link thanks. -
Cofty, I would say you are very informed about evolution. No doubt about it. You obsess over it like I did Watchtowers. But you need to understand. Some of us are just not convinced. When I left the tower, I read everything. The God Delusion, Blind Watchmaker, and other evolution 101 books. But honestly, Dawkins drove me back to the scriptures. That guy is not a scientist by any stretch of the imagination. The other books are vague. Even the more elaborate ones tell you this became that. And that became this because they needed it. I just feel like I am being taken for a ride. Nothing personal cofty, but this evolution stuff feels like a big scam to me. Almost like a much larger indoctrination to secularise me. When Darwin started down this road, were his motives pure? Did he want to find out how God created things? Of course not. His motive was to find reasons to kick God out of the picture. Especially when he lost his child. And so I feel it really didn't have a good foundation to begin with. Do I feel schools need to teach God and creation? Heck no. But schools need to be honest about things. I was looking for a link that expresses how I feel. Here it is below. Personally, I think forums give bad impressions of people due to the fact that worldviews clash. You cofty come off arrogant at times. I don't believe you are. I believe you are simply passionate. But you must understand, some of us are sincerely not sold on this. We have read many things, but for many of us, it is like some are with the Bible, "I need more proof!"
Hear hear.
Cofty, when are you going to start your series of posts on the sphericity of the Earth?
It'll take a lot of proof to persuade me it isn't flat.