Wow.... such fantasies.... To think I believed these jerks so completely, for so long. Good grief.
I did learn from them, however, the art of deflection and obfuscation. Not that this is anything of which to be proud. But it did come in handy one time during a business conversation, where someone was asking me questions and at the time, I didn't quite know the answers.
I was saying things like, "well, while that might be possible, we can't say for sure that blah blah blah... However, in other circumstances, it has been shown to blah blah blah...." To my amazement, they went with our company. Thankfully we came through and did a great job for them. I guess the point made was that though there were no guarantees, we would do the best job we could for them. We were professional of course, but I felt so bad for all those wiggle words! I learned from the masters of double talk.
Next time I will say, "I don't have the complete answer for that, but let me find out/do some research for you, and I will get back to you."