Following Links to JWT

by konceptual99 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • konceptual99
    I am sure there are wide awake people posting on there. Some stay under the radar, some don't.
  • OneFingerSalute

    I also tried 3 or 4 times and finally I was able to get in. As many of you have said, it is nauseating to read some of the post, but on the other hand its good to see what the general mood is among the jdubs.

    I had the same happen to me. After many tries, just so I could see what was going on, I was able to create an account. I posted a couple times and was quickly banned as not being a good fit. Funny thing was I was posting the same drivel that Tortuga and some others were. Bunch of hypocrites can go straight to hell for all I care!

  • bradford
    I tried to subtly chime in over there but was eventually banned. If you do anything other than praise every single decision of the GB you will have the same fate. I'm so heart broken.
  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    when i first looked at jwn--5 years ago--i thought it was an official wts site
  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    i just connected to it--jw talk----& was able to view one page of the forum. i just got the impression some of them were just taking the piss.
  • Vidiot

    the truth is mine - "...what I found was a bunch of zombies repeating clichés."

    Why, oh, why, has no one ever photoshopped a pic of zombies in tattered suits and briefcases shambling down the street?

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