as to gun laws...if guns are out lawed, only outlaws willl have isn't the gun that kills but the person pulling the trigger. At 15 years old, it it likely the fellow wasn't legally old enough to have a gun...different ages for different states and I didn't look it up. I hope they catch that kid and it would be interesting to know his reasons-not that the killing is justified. I just watched a news clip where there is a gofundme for the family ( no life insurance ) per the new clip 15,000 had been raised. I feel sad for those people.
Jw shot and killed in field service!
by nowwhat? 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Beth Sarim
"" doesn'n report this breaking news.
G. ""
Of course NOT. It brings a bad image on the organization. That's what's most important.
Just seen they started a GoFundMe account. The poor guy was off work with a back injury. As usual had no money
When my congo was in the South Bronx a young gal from the church was shot from a roof top while out canvassing. She was hit in the thigh and survived it. We had another guy (stranger) shot in the head right by the church on Sunday morning. I stopped going to that church at that point.
Regarding the quasi-assurance of divine protection, I once brought up the episode where a bunch of JWs starved to death in Africa in a conversation about every missionary's favorite verse, Matt 6:33. I made some angry by suggesting the verse could not mean what we thought it meant.
Beth Sarim
I was always under the premise that while in F.S., we prayed for God's backing and He would protect us. Maybe they lied.
Anony Mous
I know a pioneer that got a gun hole in his car during service near his gas tank. He was very proud about how Yah protected him, although even if it hit his tank, it wouldn’t have blown up the car (Mythbusters tested that).
In regards gun laws, this person was already not permitted to have a gun, this happened near Chicago, an area with the most stringent gun laws in the world (even worse than Europe). The kid shot from a car he wasn’t allowed to drive, shot a gun he wasn’t allowed to have. My opinion this was a dumb mistaken identity, our Witless was likely driving a car very similar to another drug dealer or opponent gang member, because we all know Witlesses nor gangbangers can afford to drive anything nice.
Where are his parents, why wasn’t he in school? Why aren’t the JWs promoting actual fixes, such as strong families and outreach programs for youngsters in trouble?
joey jojo
Anony Mous
In regards gun laws, this person was already not permitted to have a gun, this happened near Chicago, an area with the most stringent gun laws in the world (even worse than Europe).Are you being serious?
road to nowhere
Joey. Very serious
Usual go fundme instead of real charity
Wonder if ahooter was a df jw?
joey jojo
RTN: Sorry - I mean does anonymous really believe that Chicago has the most stringest gun laws in the world?
Anony Mous
@joey: in Chicago you currently cannot own a gun until you are 21, it is illegal to own any semi-auto (which covers most handguns and most modern rifles), shortened shotguns, AR15, anything that has attachments, anything with more than 10 rounds or other home defense weapons.
For the few remaining weapons, which would be single shot rifles, revolvers and derringers, you are required to submit yourself to an investigation, perform a 16 hour training course and then anyone (your neighbor, family, law enforcement) can simply say that you are a danger to yourself or others and immediately your second amendment rights are terminated upon review by an unelected review panel that isn’t liable to any branch of government.
At any point you have the gun outside your house, it must be completely concealed, your gun most be broken down, locked up and unloaded, carrying a gun even with a difficult to obtain license is illegal in all public transport, restaurants, bars, stadiums, parks, library, museum, stores, pretty much ANYWHERE you go.
Yeah, it’s pretty hard to obtain and carry a firearm in Chicago, and the crime rates are accordingly high and going higher as lawful citizens cannot defend themselves. Even the EU (directive 2021/555) doesn’t have quite such stringent gun laws.