Gorby's question about current US situation

by Gorbatchov 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gorbatchov

    From the peacefull Netherlands I have a question about the current situation in the US.

    Is a civil war possible?


  • the girl next door
    the girl next door

    I do not think anything on a large scale would be possible.

    As various groups rose up, they would be immediately put down by the federal government and the force of the United States military.

    It would be swift and decisive.

  • nowwhat?

    If you get your newsreels from CNN don't trust it. Here in the US we have weak mayors that allow rioting and looting

  • truth_b_known

    The American Civil War took place for many reasons, but what allowed such a situation to arise was geographic concentration of economics. The 13 States that all seceded from the Union were geographically connected and were all agriculturally based economies that relied on the labor of African slaves. The "Union" states were all industrial manufacturing based economies.

    What you see going on in the United States now is ideology bases opposition that is not geographically isolated. Urban areas with high poverty are in every state of the union. Think of a polka dot pattern. Opposing ideologies also do not have equal amounts of monetary resources, military equipment, or private citizens willing to risk their lives in a shooting war.

  • 1234

    To answer your question of course the answer is yes. Because anything is possible. In this case in it could be a strong possibility if certain scenarios play out.

    I don't believe "the girl next door" comment is true.

    "As various groups rose up, they would be immediately put down by the federal government and the force of the United States military.

    The reason is our troops have no problem killing people from other countries. However they may have a harder time turning their weapons on the men women and children of their own country.
    Especially if they think their own government is bull shit. Which as we all know could be a strong possibility.

    I think it will go more like the movie "V" where the government in future England faked a pandemic for its own gain.

    It that movie the soldiers and people both called bull shit and didn't buy into the lies the media were pedaling.

    Another factor is the fact America is the most armed country in the world....another wild card.

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door

    Troops follow orders. I relate to and applaud your hopefulness. Let's just hope we never get into that scenario.

    Armed Americans may have marginal success against law enforcement. As soon as the National Guard is called in its over.

    If the National Guard miraculously becomes overwhelmed then there is the full force of entire military. Wont be riot gear or combat arms anymore, it will be tanks and drones and snipers on every tower.

  • Biahi

    Civil war? I don’t think so, but black people have been abused by cops since slavery ended. (Terrible and shameful part of US history). This man was killed, not on purpose, but if he had not committed a crime that day, he would still be alive. I feel for the cops, too, damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Balkanization of sorts. Tribal war. As an old white man I am lumped in with like appearing persons no matter my feelings.

    The protesters actually play into the hand if a hard line brutal government

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Civil war is possible and I've been thinking that ever since Obama started this divisive political nastyness.

    The civil war will not be south vs north, it will be city vs suburb. The cities have long been under rule that takes away their voice in exchange for state handouts. The coronavirus has put state handouts under extreme pressure and not having jobs to look forward is an easy spark.

  • 2+2=5

    I’d bet on it happening in Europe before the USA

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