Would You Vote For Arnold Schwarzenegger, If You Could?

by minimus 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • Athanasius

    Gray Davis is famous for waging a dirty campaign. Remember the 1990 Democratic Primary? It is very suspicious that all these accusations against Arnold come just days before the election when they cannot be investigated properly. Its a typical Davis hit piece.

    Will I vote for Arnold? I am still undecided. I was going to vote my conscience and cast my ballot for Tom McClintock. But this new Davis antic has made me angry enough to vote for Arnold.

  • Swickley
    So Arnold is accussed of groping women and then actually admits it. That is a breathe of fresh air. Remember your friend Bill Clinton who lied and lied and lied about such matters until they were proved over and over and over again

    Well, actually, Stacy, the fact that Schwatzawhatzits openly admitted on camera and in front of millions of people that he did in fact sexually harass these women shows just how stupid and braindead he is. woohoooo wish I was an attorney for one of them, because we've got him on tape admitting to the crime. Yes, I smell conviction for criminal assault and then $$ for the civil lawsuit.

    How you can say his admitting to assaulting these women is "a breath of fresh air" has me baffled. I wonder if someone grabbed your ass and later fessed up to it, you would feel any better about the whole episode...? If he was smart, he would have answered the charges by saying "it depends on what the meaning of "is" is."

    DOES ANYONE OUT THERE WHO SAID THEY WOULD VOTE FOR HIM HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT HIS PLATFORM IS, OR WHERE HE STANDS ON THE ISSUES? Since he has yet to state his position on most of the important issues, those who vote for him are just as brainless as he is.

  • pettygrudger

    Dear Lord Swickley - do you actually ever listen to what somebody says before you put your spin on it? Arnie admitted rowdy activity, and admitted some things said was true, but that these things were NOT as the media would put it as. I have listened to many interviews regarding how the behavior was on those sets, and MANY people were fooling around - including some of the women who now would try to make a name for themselves with their allegations. I see a spread in playboy in the not to distant future.

    You really really hate republicans dont ya. Or is it Stacy you have an issue with - because its pretty apparent.

  • bebu

    Thank God I don't live in California. I don't like any of the candidates.

    My sentiments exactly. I look forward to complaining about whomever gets elected...


  • willyloman

    Y'all are completely missing the point of this recall. A recent newspaper editorial cartoon was on the money. Two caricatures appear in the cartoon. One is Arnold, carrying an assault rifle, and the caption: Destroyed Los Angeles in Terminator 3. The caption under Gray Davis' caricature is: Destroyed entire state of California in real life.

    This is a revolution in which people are taking back the government. They would give the state to almost anybody instead of Davis. The sentiment is the local dogcatcher would make a better governor than this guy. It's not about Arnold... or the 135 screwball candidates. It's about: You're outta here, buddy, and so is the next idiot who sits in your chair if HE doesn't "get" it. Coming in 2004: Historic, unprecedented recall of the entire Legislature!

  • Swickley


    I have listened to many interviews regarding how the behavior was on those sets, and MANY people were fooling around - including some of the women who now would try to make a name for themselves with their allegations.

    What is your explanation for the woman he groped in Gold's gym? (not a movie set). I believe the woman's husband was a trainer at the gym, and he would not allow her to go back in the gym after the incident. He probably knew Schwartzits very well and unfortunately he must have trusted him to behave like a gentleman around his wife.

    The fact that you are so easily swayed by his weak defense and "apology" makes it clear that you are just the kind of loyal supporter he seeks.

    Do I have a problem with Stacy? No way!. She's the new policewoman of the forum and will shoot anyone who gets in her way with her big bad gun. I think she's really a man. But, hey, whatever lights your fire. (said with a and in the nicest way possible so as not to upset the forum policewoman)

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Yes to the recall.

    But, there is no way I'm voting for Arnold.

    And, yes, I'm republican
    To each their own.... thank gawd Arnold's about 10 points ahead of Bustamonte, because heaven help us if the recall goes thru and we get Boost-yer-taxes Bustamonte !

  • ozziepost

    Acting seems to be part of the job description so I s'pose he's well-qualified!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    DOES ANYONE OUT THERE WHO SAID THEY WOULD VOTE FOR HIM HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT HIS PLATFORM IS, OR WHERE HE STANDS ON THE ISSUES? Since he has yet to state his position on most of the important issues, those who vote for him are just as brainless as he is.

    Funny, the EXACT same thing can be said of Gray Davis or Bustamonte.... one thing we do know about them is they haven't met any special interest money that they just don't LOVE. Davis constantly flip-flops his platform with the changing political winds (or how much they will contribute to his warchest) .... whoever gets in can't be worse than Davis or Boost-yer-taxes Bustamonte.

  • pettygrudger

    Actually, I've already said that I would vote for Tom Mclintock - not Arnie, so no, i'm not an avid supporter.

    What I am is one who is willing to listen to both sides of any argument, realizes one is innocent until proven guilty and base my opinions of those I would vote for on the specifics - not dirty politics.

    Funny that you make not notice of Grey Davis' supposed physical assault of many of his employees, including women during his reign in office. Or does his being a democrat keep him free from such scrutiny?

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