TBH, I think the WT hierarchy have generally not been particularly good at HR (human resources) management.
As stuckinarut2 says above - there are A LOT of support staff (and the support staff themselves need support staff - they also eat, need own rooms etc etc)
Arguably, in the past, they haven't really needed to worry about HR, until now...
The number of Bethelites is taken from the Yearbook when it says:
During the 2015 service year, Jehovah’s Witnesses spent over $236 million in caring for special pioneers, missionaries, and traveling overseers in their field service assignments. Worldwide, a total of 26,011 ordained ministers staff the branch facilities. All are members of the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
What was interesting is how the number/s were described in an Awake in 2000:
Awake 22 December 2000, page 19
Truly, it is remarkable that the number of branch offices has increased from one a hundred years ago to 109 today that serve the needs of Jehovah’s Witnesses in 234 lands. And to think that these are staffed by some 13,000 dedicated Christian volunteers! Surely, their work along with that of the some 5,500 volunteers associated with the Society’s headquarters has been vital to the fulfillment of the prophecy of Jesus Christ that ‘this good news of God’s Kingdom would be preached in all the inhabited earth before the end comes.’—Matthew 24:14.
For 2000, the 13,000 number of Bethelites sound right for the time - but notice how there is a clear distinction with 'volunteers associated with the Society's headquarters' - they're not 'Family / Bethelites'
Commuter workers who come in for a day or two, or as needed can work well - but work best when Bethels are in a built-up areas like Brooklyn or London, rather than Warwick or Chelmsford.
Thanks to the internet, Remote workers can operate well - but are these types of workers actually called 'ordained ministers who staff the branch facilities' and counted?
I think the Bethel arrangement (live-in staff, food, washing, cleaning taken care of, etc etc) worked well and made sense when it was first established in the 1910s, but due to a changes in costs, time and expectations, this set-up has become both out-moded and costly - BUT the WT is kinda stuck with it.
If each Bethelite nowadays costs around $20,000 - it would probably be better to drastically cut the number, and employ ONLY those who do the work (on a low WT wage, $40,000??) and let them look after their own homes, do all their own cleaning, washing, cooking, and bring a packed-lunch in to 'work' - the physical foot-print of Bethel could then be drastically cut back leading to even more cost savings etc etc.
It is almost no different to the WT employing non-JWs to do some of the major works at Warwick etc anyway!
Perhaps slimboyfat can explain how the Mormons staff (and remunerate) the LDS Church Headquarters?