Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Respond to All Accusations Made Against Them? FROM WEBSITE

by NikL 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • NikL

    You could fertilize your garden with this shite...


  • carla

    Tell us a little of what is on their faq page please, I have a strict policy not to go on their website and give them anymore algorithm clicks than they already brag about (or however Google ranks things these days). It's my middle finger to them so to speak, yeah, I know, it makes no difference at all in the big scheme of things but it helps me sleep better knowing I did not add to their delusional thoughts of grandeur.

  • kpop


    Notice the word trickery these slimy scumbags use...

    Rather than being pulled into quarreling by an undue concern over false accusations, we focus on pleasing God.

    False accusations, like child abuse scandals and such?

    We respond to sincere people who are interested in finding out the truth, but we avoid getting into pointless arguments.

    You didn't even respond to the Australian Royal Commission when you were officially subpoenaed 3 times! You then went on to say that Gerrit Losche had nothing to do with the WT cult so he didn't have to show up! Then when you were threatened with legal action, you only were able to do a pathetic video conference with Geoffrey Jackson! Oh the hypocrisy!

  • sparky1
    Because in most cases it would be impossible for them to defend the indefensible. They wouldn't have a 'leg to stand on'. Being the charlatans and swindlers that they are, they would rather deflect their accusers intention and malign their character rather than face them head on.
  • DesirousOfChange

    They only pick the fights they know they can win. All others they quietly settle out of court with a gag order.


    Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Respond to All Accusations Made Against Them?

    Image result for defending the indefensible

  • sparrowdown

    They don't answer because they probly know about a thing called the "Streisand effect."

  • steve2

    What the article really means and should say is "Why doesn't JW.org doesn't respond to all accusations made against it".

  • zeb

    Streisand effect ?

  • waton

    Streisand effect ?

    Streusand, the use of sand or sawdust to cover up, absorbe a mess and sweep it away. next question.

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