Family Merit / Demerit - Core Watchtower Doctrine - says FDS

by garybuss 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • garybuss

    The Watchtower Sept. 15, 1976 pages 575-6 Questions from Readers

    Questions from Readers

    First Corinthians

    What, then, of baptism? A young child who is faithfully taught God's Word will no doubt progress in knowledge and understanding, and in time reach the point where God's spirit motivates him to make his own dedication to Jehovah and to request baptism. (1 Pet. 3:21) To be prepared for baptism, he must appreciate his need to repent, be converted and come into a proper relationship with God. (Acts ; -36) After baptism, he would no longer be under family merit, but would be viewed as "holy" on his own account, being responsible before God to pursue a life of dedication.-1 Pet. 1:14-16; Col. 1:21-23.

    Should parents of retarded children feel that baptism is in all cases a requirement for children to be viewed by God as worthy of his protection in times of judgment, as in the foretold "great tribulation"? The degree of retardation is clearly a determining factor, since some of such children remain with the mentality of a four- or five-year-old even when fully grown. The child may be able to grasp certain basic teachings of God's Word and repeat these when asked. He (or she) may be obedient to the parents and abstain from doing certain things that have been pointed out as wrong and contrary to God's will. But is the child able to make personal decisions, able to decide from his own mind and heart (not that of the parents) the course in life he wishes to take? Is he capable of comprehending and seeking a personal relationship with God, one that is not dependent upon his parents? Is he able to stand before a judicial body, accountable for any wrongdoing he may commit? If not, then such child is evidently not in position to be baptized but would continue under family merit in God's eyes, counted by him as "holy" in that sense. Hence, the matter should not be viewed emotionally but on the basis of Scriptural teachings. If the retardation is not great and the child is indeed capable of becoming a disciple of God's Son, serving God with his own 'heart, soul, mind and strength,' then he could be aided to reach the point of baptism. (Mark ) He then should be able to "carry his own load" of spiritual responsibility. (Gal. 6:5) The parents could seek the counsel of the elders if they are in doubt. How faith-strengthening and comforting to know that young children, as well as mentally retarded older ones, may be regarded as "holy" due to family merit!

    The Watchtower June 15, 1972 page 361 God Respects the Family Arrangement

    A case in point, of judgment of young children along with their wicked parents, is that of the Canaanites. Because of their long history of the deepest corruption their young children were executed along with them, at God's command, when the Israelites occupied the land.-Deut. 7:1, 2.

    All this shows that God attributes merit or demerit to the young children of a family, based on the status of the parents.

  • joannadandy

    Why does this remind of the South Park where the boys want Timmy to be saved, but he can't be because he can't confess his sins...

  • heathen

    LMAO @ joann timmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    I thought the retards were put in control of the printing department .

    So tell us garybus , what brings this to our attention today?

  • SanFranciscoJim

    Back in the mid 1970s when I was pioneering, I was doing a lot of street work. One day a man approached me seeming very interested in my message. During the course of our conversation, I invited him to start a Bible study, to which he quickly agreed. Excitedly, I asked for his address, whereupon he told me "Wernersville State Hospital", which was a nearby mental institution. As it turned out, he was a long-term patient there, having lived on the ward over twenty years. Nevertheless, I approached another brother (as yet unbaptized) in the congregation and asked him if he would care to join me for a Bible study there, to which he enthusiastically agreed. Little by little, other long-term patients on the ward joined in our study, and it made my heart glad that I could offer hope to these seemingly hopeless and abandoned people. Eventually, I approached the manager of the ward and requested day passes, two at a time, for the patients, to take them to Sunday meetings at the Kingdom Hall, which were granted. The gentleman I had originally studied with came with me every time, but he had one serious idiosyncrasy: He had a loud, bellowing laugh, and always laughed at inappropriate times during the Sunday talks, which would send the congregation into hysterics. After several weeks, one Sunday I was surrounded by elders who asked why I was bringing these people with me to the Kingdom Hall. Astonished, I stated that these people needed to be saved most of all, to which the reply from the elders retorted "Yes, but they cannot understand our doctrines". I asked if that would exclude them from ever being able to become Jehovah's Witnesses, therefore condemning them to die at Armageddon, to which I was icily told "Yes". It was at this point which I began to question my beliefs.

  • joannadandy

    Whoa Jim...what a story!

  • Elsewhere

    That's right Jim... they only want people who can sell... sell... sell more books... for a donation of course.


    the ony FDS to belive in:

  • Maverick

    I guess this poor fellow didn't fit the corporate profile. These Elders/Pharisee did you, and him, a favor. Maverick

  • garybuss

    Great story Jim! Thanks!

    I post this doctrine because many current and former Witnesses are not really aware of it. It's a HUGE doctrine. This doctrine and it's expiration at puberty, is the reason so many of us were rushed to the baptismal pools at 11 and 12 years old. It's one of those "ready answers" for so many questions.

    I did a huge study on it before the days of the CDs. Just type "family merit" into the search line on the Watch Tower Corporation's CD. There is much written on it over the years.

    Like all subjects I am searching for those persons who have done more research on a topic than I have that I can learn from them. Or those who will question me and send me back to the books. GaryB

  • Perry
    If the retardation is not great and the child is indeed capable of becoming a disciple of God's Son, serving God with his own 'heart, soul, mind and strength,' then he could be aided to reach the point of baptism. (Mark ) He then should be able to "carry his own load" of spiritual responsibility. (Gal. 6:5) The parents could seek the counsel of the elders if they are in doubt.

    So if they're not "greatly" mentally retarded, just sorta mentally retarded, they are own their own eh? And guess who has the final say as to just exactly who is "greatly" mentally retarded or not.... you guessed it, the stooges for the WTBS, that lovable body known as elders. And, they ALWAYS follow what the WTBS says. So it is really the GB deciding who gets life or not.

    I'm sure the criteria goes something like this:

    If the retarded person does something we don't like.... he's not very retarded and we can disfellowship him and banish him from his family and friends. If the retarded person keeps his mouth shut and doesn't disturb anyone, then he is "greatly" mentally retarded and will get life because we said so.

    Thanks Gary for illuminating us with this warm, wonderful light.

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