apartment life

by MrMoe 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrMoe

    the chick upstairs is loud. she came home and when she walked by my door she banged on it as loud as she could, waking up me and emma.

    it is 1:15 in the morning

    Called the cops I am sick of her crap. She of course turns down her blaring rap music jsut as they pull in. They said they were really sorry but I should look into moving. I can't afford to move. ugh

    somebody shoot me I can't take this anymore

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    somebody shoot me I can't take this anymore

    I won't shoot you but I'll (((((((MrMoe)))))) give you a hug.

    When I'm at my parents home it's so quiet. But during the week, at this apartment, with 5 female roomies who are loud and silly it gets old.

    I used to think I wanted to buy a condo when I get in the real work force. But after this apartment experience I won't do that. I'll have to buy one of those 600K entry level homes I guess.

    I'd better study more

  • talesin

    I can empathize with that!

    After about 10 years of putting up with this crap, I decided to get a roommate - now I live in a more 'affluent' building (sharing gets you into a higher income bracket apartment here) and they don't put up with ANY noise or other sh*t like that!

    Also, it helps that my roomie is the apartment manager.

    What is wrong with people? Wait, why am I asking that? We live in a very self-absorbed society - why should they care about our sleep (I know, sarcastic and bitter). But I'm sick of it. I had neighbours like this and it made me crazy! There's not much worse than sleep deprivation IMO.

    Good luck, moe!


    (who's been there, but happily lives in a quiet building now)

  • caspian

    Mr Moe I have a really quiet cottage in the country.

    You can come and stay in the spare bedroom, as soon as I get rid of the noisy sister.


    Hey we could swap wall posters and stuff....eeekkk

  • shamus

    That is why I live the simple lifestyle that I do. I used to live in Vancouver, and got so sick of bachelor pads, high rent, and stupid neighbours.

    My advice?

    Simplify your life and get outta New York. No wonder why your neighbours are so loud... it's part of big city living.

    I don't envy you. Go upstairs and slap your neighbour around... unless she pulls a gun on you!

  • SanFranciscoJim
    Go upstairs and slap your neighbour around... unless she pulls a gun on you!

    Earlier this evening, I was sitting here at my computer and heard 7 or 8 simultaneous gun shots. Two minutes later, the street is filled with cops. Damned gangs....

    I live in a high rise surrounded by tenements, boarded up row homes, burned out building shells, and crack houses. Lovely neighborhood.

    At least my neighbors in the building are quiet. We are probably one of three apartments in the entire building whose tenants are under the age of 75. It's like living in a nursing home surrounded by slums.

    Wanna trade?


    Well, it's not always , but it can be that way sometimes.

    I call my little area, the St*******n ghetto.

    Kids here are a bit on the unruly side, and have been known to destroy: O.P.P. (other peoples' property). Or they break the small ornamental trees, pull out plants, and just wreak havoc on the compound. Lots of colourful language, which I suppose is not uncommon for 6-10 year olds these days. Again, where are their parents?

    Lots of hockey hair here too. Both men and women have it.

    It's an interesting area, but it's by far, nothing in comparison to some areas of Toronto.

    I've had some interesting happenings go on around here. It doesn't happen often, but once in awhile. It's pretty much a given: white trash with attitude, zero brains.

    Aside from the few, my neighbours on my landing/floor: excellent!

  • Xandria
  • TresHappy

    OH, does this bring back memories to TresHappy's mind! I lived in an apartment for several years and saw my share of apartment neighbors from HELL. When I first moved in downstairs (mistake #1), I had a guy who would constantly walk on the floor like King Kong above me. When he was in the bathroom, I could hear the shower run, the sink run, I could even hear him urinating! These apartments were made with spit and toilet paper! I could hear him and new wife doing the sex thing sometimes 4 times a day. They moved out then I got the neighbors who must have been related to the Birdman from Alcatrez. They had several cages on the balcony and all the birdseed came down onto my outside storage area. One day I walked out there and there was tons of bird stuff everywhere. I plugged in the Hoover and went over everything in the back area and got it all up. I went and complained to the manager and nothing was done. Finally the bird people moved. Then I got the young college kid who blasted his profanity laced music outside and that's when I had it. I went upstairs and complained. His mother wouldn't do anything so I told a lie. I said I took care of my sister's kid and I didn't want him hearing this noise. Pretty soon everything got really quiet at my apartment. No more loud music, it was wonderful!

  • MrMoe

    i live in a really nice apartment complex...

    good news is there is a new property manager, she said if she continues she will evict her! Since she turned her radio off as soon as the police pulled up, they didn't site her, but the moment they do the porperty manager says she will issue her an eviction... she jsut needs proof. This is a huge relief, the last property manager used to tell me to "deal with it." I shouldn't have to deal with it in "up scale" apartments.

    thanks for the thoughts everybody! I think if she doesn't stop, I am gonna have no choice but to look for another place.

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