Has Anyone been "Spotted" or "Reported" for being here?

by In_between_days 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus

    I love that picture! Thanks for posting it!

    I don't care what they think at this point. I have no family in the cult, and only a few friends. I am disassosiating soon, b/c of the vicki bower thingy... but mainly because of everything else!

  • gumby

    Valis my man,

    You covered this subject nicely.

    So many have family and friends that they would lose.....were they to be exposed. For many, the fade out idea is working, and an exposier of one's visiting apostate sites, would bring what may have been an easier exit, one that's full of grief.


  • wannaexit

    Never been spotted yet.

    But I have spotted a few. I know who they are. They don't know who I am.


  • freedom96

    I am careful on here because of family ties, and a couple of friends. As for my child still involved with his mother, I am waiting until he sees the light. I have to be very careful, tread lightly in that case. As far as my couple of friends, I am simply buying time hoping that they too see the light and fall away on their own.

    I can wait.

    I am not going to allow the organization to label me, either da or df'd. Why should I give them the power? So I simply exist, live my life, don't bother anyone, and they have no reason to bother me.

  • ikhandi

    I no longer really care what jws think of me. There is nothing they can do to me now since I have left. I do wonder if I know people on here who still are in hiding. Hmmmmm

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith


    i want to be spotted...call me crazy, but I want them to DF me, I want the witnesses to treat me like I have a disease so I can leave them alot eaiser, otherwise, its going to be tough for me when I finally do...leaving behind my friends

    It isn't as tough as you think. Once you get out into the real world you find real friends.

  • Badger

    Not sure...a week after I got on, I was called by an elder for "missing meetings" for the first time...even though I had gone through an even drier spell before...hmmm...

  • unbeliever



  • Gordy

    JW's do look at this site.

    Well with my name and the area I live in no JW who lives round here shouldn't have trouble guessing who I am.

    An old JW friend of mine who moved away from the area, got in touch with me, secretly, after seeing my testimony on here. He was an Elder at the time, but now resigned after a peadophile issue came up.

    I also know of other JW's who do look at this and other forums. There are a couple of JW's who take part in debates on the Reachout Trust forum.

    I wouldn't be surprised that any JW who has a computer has not at sometime looked at such sites as this. They probably do it in secret, waiting till their JW wife/husband is asleep. I know of one who does it when at work on his office computer.

    No wonder the WT get their knickers in a twist over the Internet.

  • detective

    Oh really? Dang monitors this site to see if we might be posting on both sites? Really?

    Actually, I knew that! I just wanted to give a shout out to my man, Dang!

    Heeeeeeellllllooooooooooo dang!

    Have you figured it out yet?

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