How did you pass the time when the Kingdom Hall meetings became boring and repetitive/

by RULES & REGULATIONS 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Another boring and repetitive ''Watchtower Study.'' All the articles are about the ''Faithful and Discreet Slave.''

    For whatever reason, you tolerate this for years. Your brain hurts. You know it's time to leave this ''Organization.''

    How do you pass the time before you become insane?

    Did you daydream? Read a book, magazine? Take bathroom breaks? Walk to the back and stretch? Talk to some “friends” in the hallway?

    I would bring my New Yorker Magazine and read the main article, while the Watchtower Meeting was being conducted.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Nap. The droning aided it.

    That picture is fake, nobody asleep

  • Journeyman

    The good thing about the fact that all the congregations now use electronic devices rather than paper magazines and Bibles, is the ease with which it's possible to read other documents or websites without being noticed. A relief for today's PIMOs!

    Previously, I used to find volunteering to be an attendant or work on the sound desk made time pass quicker and gave something else to focus your mind on during particularly tedious studies. Not an option for sisters, of course!

  • Phizzy

    When I was a kid, my mum caught me reading a James Bond Novel which I had covered with my Bible, she became suspicious because I was so devotedly reading my Bible !

    When I was older I was in charge of the Attendants Rota, if someone didn't turn up for duty, I filled in, if they did, I "lovingly" assisted them by patrolling the Car Park for them etc.

    Jeez, I'd been in the "religion" from birth, and for decades, I knew I wasn't missing anything of worth.

  • lriddle80

    I got 1 bathroom break that I looked forward to.

    I would look at the index of the bible and look up random things.

    Space out.

    Make jokes with my mom and sister and get in trouble for laughing! Outline the pictures and letters in the watchtower. Draw faces on the people.

    Sometimes I would take notes.

    I recently went to a JW funeral and couldn't pay attention. The message is so muddled its so easy to just space out. I just read Romans and stopped listening.

  • joe134cd

    Unashamedly doze off. Lol

  • Ding

    When weren't the meetings boring and repetitive?

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i was watchtower reader one warm stuffy sunday afternoon. During one long question i nodded off--and nearly fell out of my chair.

  • Biahi

    Before iPads…way before, I used to read the “dirty” passages in the Bible.. about emissions of semen, etc. I guess I am old, lol

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    All you ever heat at meetings is about the governing body and faithful and discreet slave.

    But seriously,,,,before we had kindle ,iphones or internet,,,I would just zone - out into some daydream. And as the reader would change the pages as he was reading I would just follow the audience to make it look like I was following along.

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