Any book that claims to be God’s word should have the minimum qualification of clarity. If any of its verses are open to many interpretations, it cannot be God’s word. God can easily be crystal clear as Traffic Police who puts traffic signals (RED means STOP, GREEN means START …etc.) Not to mention are the contradictions. If I find contradictions, I conclude this way: “These contradictory verses are written by two different schools of thought with each one having beliefs-system opposed to each other, and have nothing to do with God.”
That means verses such as the following verses are purely of human origin:
1) We are saved by faith alone without works (Romans 3:20, 28; 5:1) x A man is justified by works, and not by faith only (James 2:24)
2) Thou shalt not kill. (Exodus 20:13) x kill every man his brother…companion…neighbor. (Exodus 32:27)
3) Death came to all people, because all sinned… (Romans 5:12) x Very truly I tell you, whoever obeys my word will never see death. (John 8:51)
4) To Pilate Jesus “answered never a word; insomuch that the governor marvelled greatly… (Matthew 27:13-14) x Jesus answered Pilate, saying … (John 18:33-34)
5) He who is not with me is against me (Mathew 12:30) x Whoever is not against us is for us (Mark 9:40)