"Lett be true" Good twist of the quote Anna Marina!
@goingthruthemotions, among JWs the greatest thing in life they possess is the prospect of everlasting life in paradise. This hope, courtesy of the WT org, has cancelled common sense and clear thinking.
The JW hope is false, no religion can offer everlasting life, there is no sound basis for it. One hundred and forty one years on, and still no one has benefitted from the showman's spiele "roll up roll up, live forever in paradise with the Watchtower organisation". But people want to believe, people above all things want hope so millions of them have fallen into the WT hope trap, millions are prepared to shut down their reasoning faculty and simply "believe''. We did once before we woke up -- or did we grow up?
So we are are not able to reason with our family members on the matter of belief, facts don't cut the mustard with believers, with them it is a matter of heart not mind, emotion not brain.
I lost my attractive intelligent wife to the cult, it was a great loss, perhaps foolishly I left her with the the children (it was a terrible experience) she would have crumpled without them but even so I could not live on JW terms and I would say my life has gone well since having cast off the religion and unfortunately wifey too.
I hope in your situation you can work something out. For her to leave, it will take a lot more patience and eventually an understanding from her that what she wants is actually not available -- everlasting life in paradise is something no one has enjoyed or will ever have, it is simply too good to be true, it is a dream.
Yet to tell a believer this, is to attack them, to dig right into their heart -- and the response of the believer is to repel the idea, attack the speaker and deny any possibility of being mistaken.
What is at stake for your wife is her attachment to the illusory rock on which she is emotionally anchored. For her to let go will take enormous courage, the new and realistic vision of life needs a helping hand and a constant companion to reassure her during the the waking process, I do hope that you are the one to help her through it.