I faded as a JW about 8 years ago. To me the meetings were just plain boring as hell and so "robotic". I never did feel true love amongst the brothers and sisters as they always like to tout. Everyone seemed to have their favorite cliques they stuck to. My mother and brother are still both active JWs. They hardly ever miss weekly meetings -- for them it's just automatic.
I can't help but think of how boring our lives were as JWs. Time is consumed by five worthless meetings promoting a false hope. There is no true happiness or events to look forward to, no birthdays or holidays, like Mothers Day, Fathers Day, no turkey ON Thanksgiving DAY, no Christmas tree, no gifts, no donating to charity, no going into volunteer work for those less fortunate. Every activity in your life is subject to the elders. You have to fear being seen with non-JW's, going into R-rated movies, or if you're dating, holding hands. How in the world can people live like that? I'm proud of the double life I led!
I lived like this for for 23 years before I got married (to a non-JW!) and moved out. I cannot begin to tell you the freedom of mind and happiness I now experience. I have two sons and I made a promise to myself to never let them go through what I did growing up!