Yes my holy anionted mom who has cancer is concerned that the loving God Jehovah may ask her in heaven to destroy here non believer family including her 5 year old Grandchild during messed up are these crazy people!!??
Anionted mom says Jehovah may ask her to kill all her family!!
by Witness 007 46 Replies latest jw experiences
Oh wow! That is scary!
Wow......feel the "Christ-like Loooooove", huh?
Wow, that is not too far from the schizophrenics who do it in their life time!
"Ignorance is not just inconvenient, it's dangerous." - Eric Ladizinsky -
The Searcher
I'm not surprised that's what she (and many more J.W.'s) believe, based on the G.B.'s recent Watchtower propaganda which stated that all "anointed" J.W.'s on earth will be evaporated up to heaven before Armageddon starts - in order for them to have a share in the mega-slaughter with Christ.
If it's in the Watchtower, it must be true! (at least for a few months - until a new light says different!)
And this what the "anointed" have become - the loons, the nuts, the unhinged, the mad....
Mentally diseased, death obsessed, assholes.
StephaneLaliberte 3 hours ago
Wow, that is not too far from the schizophrenics who do it in their life time!
Stephen I'll say: that is not too far from
schizophrenicsisis terrorists who do it in their life time! -
Sounds like what happens when True Believers listen to Tony Morris.