Anyone else?
Is our world famous Opera singer back with a new job? Or just her ilk?
Six~ got ilk? class
by SixofNine 26 Replies latest jw friends
Anyone else?
Is our world famous Opera singer back with a new job? Or just her ilk?
Six~ got ilk? class
A good act always deserves an encore, lol.
But of course I have no idea what you are talking about.
elaboration is always
Mine is too... oh wait, it's just my foot's asleep.
My sense of elaboration is tingling too.
You know Six,
"It's Not Over Till The Fat Lady Sings"
HARK! It's the effect Neablis has when he starts poting again, fleas begin to eat at the brains of long standing posters... If you are quiet you cna hear the squishy sound of the wee bugs wiggling inside sixy's head *squish chomp squish*
I think you just stumbled on a hellva pickup line.
"Excuse me my spidey sense is tingling".
"Oh really! .... Mine is too, to be perfectly honest"