Public Talk invitations ....Next to .Zero Attendees

by smiddy3 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • eyeuse2badub


    I think the real LAUGH was handing invites to District Conventions.

    Yea ain't it hilarious how there is always a "special" campaign prior to the conventions to invite people that the wtbts knows damn good and well will not travel 100-250 miles to hear a public talk by a nobody. It's busy work at it's finest but it's------"special"!


    I think I missed that part...

    No worry that you missed this part in your study of Hebrew Mythology (aka the Bible). You didn't miss the part about how it rained so much that even Mt. Everest was also covered with water did you? /With all the 'busy work' jw's have to do, they miss a lot of sh*t that don't matter anyway in the big picture!

    just saying!

  • steve2

    I do recall members of the public turning up for the public talks in the early to mid-1970s. I think it reflected the fervor with which we preached door-to-door. And yes, some of these people went on to study and become Witnesses.

    But it would be fair to say that your observation is correct: People seldom if ever just turn up.

    I remember with humor the JWs leaving me an invitation to attend the regional convention of a few years ago that was to be held in Dunedin, in the lower South Island of New Zealand whereas I live in the capital city, Wellington, a distance of some 400 kilometres away.

    Edited to correct how far Wellington is from Dunedin: 793 kilometres.

    Talk about wasted paper and an environmental blight.

  • gone for good
    gone for good

    Correct me if I'm wrong but there seems to be no such thing as a "Public Talk" for quite some years now.

    While the KH outside menus used to refer to a Pubic talk Or Public Discourse they now refer to weekday or weekend meetings .

    I imagine this is in keeping with the strictly insular nature of a high control cult.

    In reality, nothing is really intended for, or the benefit of the public - (hence no charitable works from a registered charity). But rather all is for the control of the captive membership.

    Completely logical for a group with more former than current members = more detractors than supporters.

  • Vidiot
    eyeused2bajw - " missed this part in your study of Hebrew Mythology (aka the Bible)..."


    When I was a kid, I read these:

    Now the idea is stuck in my head of "My Book of Bible Stories" being (more accurately) renamed "The Big Book of Judeo-Christian Myths"...

    Thanks for that.

  • Dagney

    And in my personal experience I cannot recall more than five worldly / non J.W. people , if that , who came to a public talk as a result of the invitations given at the doors in our witnessing work in the 33 years of my being an active Jehovah`s Witness .

    Never. Ever. Ever.

  • Whynot

    Out of all the hundreds who I have invited maybe like 6 showed up. I don't think they ever became JWs either. A few started studying though.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    These ''district convention'' invite campaigns are a little more than keeping the Dubs busy and obedient. Just imagine if 10% of invitees showed-up!!! You would have a dilemma on hand with parking and what not.

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