Waiting : I'm under the impression - by knowledgeable posters here ......not paying is not an option open for Vicki. The Courts & IRS are like that.....one pays. On another thread, it was shown that under Canadian Law, even if one declares bankruptcy - court costs follow them til they're paid. In the USA - the IRS is like that too, perhaps even Courts.
Ok but where will she find the monney ??? If nobody help her out ??? read me ... I'm talking about priorities, and that is also why I'm talking about getting over the issue in an other way !!!
Waiting : By sending money to Vicki - she might also spend it on groceries. And yes, the money she originally might have spent on groceries ends up paying the WTBTS. So..............we shouldn't help her - or others we might want to help?
Well that is what I'm saying ... she still need to leave and we shouldn't not forget about her
Waiting :If we can unite to help victims fight the WTBTS - then I'll unite too. It just makes sense. Look forward to looking at a plan. It's not been accomplished before to my knowledge.
Shamus and Waiting
Tank you, Tank you, Tank you ... very, very, very much
Now I wonder about the others ?
We won?t be able to do something with only two even ten of us!!! So that is what I want to say
Please look and realise why this world is like it is ? just because we can?t agree to do the right thing a the right moment together ? even when it is easier (here maybe less than 3 to 6 months and maybe only 1-4 days of real job to each one of us who could get involved in the job) than fighting forever and crying, yelling, steaming, venting, fluffing to forget ? and lose ?
When it?s about fighting about something big remember that alone OR what we are doing here is not enough ? and will take longer even never-ending ?
? It could be so EASY TOGETHER!!!
I guess that people need to be on their knees to think about fighting for real. Then we need a revolution, but which kind of revolution (with true weapons!!! means blood and lost) when we can just do the right thing to get even more sometimes than we are expecting ?
This is more than INTERESTING and more than DISSAPOINTING!!! ? and still how do you feel about the victims left on the road (they are the victims in this matter, but YOU MAY BE THE VICTIM in an other matter that could be solved in the same way ? or in an other) AND now realise that you may stay a victim, just because well you know what ?
Should I give up??? Should I??? ? Not worthy even to think about it (people don?t like what is easy * for some reason they get involved in what?s harder ** !!!!!!!!!! ?????? ? Count me out in this case for any thing ? Why should I get into something hard with 1% chance of good result when I can get into something easy to be able to get till 100 % good result ?
* Even when they know something is the right thing to do ? Is their something to understand here ? Yes we deserve this f* world ? and we deserved to be mistreated by those who are leading and cheating on us ? They just taking advantage of the way we are ? BRAVO !!!
** It is like thinking that more something is expansive and more it have a value (and we know it is not true) love is free and that is only one example. But it talks A LOT
I just don?t know what people want exactly ? and why? Individualism? Well that doesn?t mean that we don?t need each other and strategy to protect each other (we are interdependent in this world ? remember?)
We are humans beings ? I know ? But they are human beings too (WTBS / POLICITIANS / RELIGIOUS ?) they just have a good strategy/ideas and apply it/them together to be able to win ? We can do the same and WE ARE MORE NUMEROUS ? but we don?t ? and we lose !!! OK LET?S make it harder for us and LOOSE at the same time ? NOT FUNY AS YOU CAN SEE
Sometimes we just need one man to make everybody stand up (we know a few but we don?t know them all ? and who cares ?) ? but we still need everybody ? this is the most important (does that make sense ?)
Just follow the right ideas ? cause the man can die or become silly at any time in getting the ?big head? !!! The good ideas can still survive, help to go further and win at the end.
Anybody can still play it this way : ?I know ? but I don?t care? (and you may care when you?ll get in trouble, but Oooops who will care ? ? See how interdependent we are in front of something BIG !!! and even little sometimes !!!
LOTS OF WAYS to get out of troubles ? WE JUST NEED FOLLOWERS ? LOTS OF PEOPLE WILL WORK IT OUT FOR YOU ? THEY MIGHT Even SACRIFIED THEMSELVES FOR YOU ALL. BUT Please stand up and act when it is needed THAT IS ALL!!! And better do it while it is still have the means for RISK FREE or you will have to get into revolution with real weapons!!! And that is why I?m so angry about that ? I don?t want be in this position, no I don?t ? I rather do everything before even scarified myself if needed !!! And I did it already several times (and I?m not the only one) ? And you know what? I feel very, very, very good about that ? and you may have done it already so you know what I?m talking about why not do it again ?
I?m talking about everything here not only about the present issue ? Please WAKE UP !!! It?s still RISK FREE and VERY EASY for almost everything ? and we don?t need to be THAT MUCH to initiate ? they will follow with the first result (it is always the same story ? just logical ? but human being are so irrational why don?t just STAY POSITIVE !)