In one case, the daughter of a well-known elder in the city (the family was known as very spiritual) was planning her weeding. It is accustomed that during weeding the couple choose young brothers and sisters to participate in the weeding dance. I was one of those young brothers. Then one day, all the plans for the weeding were cancelled suddenly since the couple "ate the sandwich before lunch" as we say here.
Three years after that incident, a brother, son of a other well-known spiritual brother and family, got married. After six months, in a newspaper note and headline appeared that the brother was kidnapped, since his wife went to the police to make the report. A month later it was discovered that the brother was hiding from his wife and was living with another sister (daughter of the first well-know elder in city of the first case). Both were df'd and reinstated two years later. Now he is an elder and she is a pioneer.
An single older sister (friend of my family) told us (me and my wife) in secret that she knew that a lot of brothers (MS, Elders, and CO) had affairs with lot of sisters. Even she was banging three brothers in the same time. I have heard a lot of cases of pedophilia, pornography, bestiality, and other stuff in the congos.