This is a question for ALL LURKING JWs. Why should I go back to the Kingdom Hall?
Why should I go back to the Kingdom Hall?
by Nosferatu 13 Replies latest jw friends
Special K
Sorry I'm not a lurking J.W.. just a disfellowshipped one..
My question to you would be reversed Nosferatu.
You tell me why you should not go back to the kingdom Hall?
special k
I'm not lurking Nos !!!
Because you have just come back from fasting 40 days in the wilderness and have realized that you are of the anointed.
Show up for the memorial, partake, and moonwalk outta there.
You tell me why you should not go back to the kingdom Hall?
Why go somewhere to sleep in an uncomfortable chair when you could stay at home and sleep in your own bed?
Special K
You got that right nosferatu..
I'd much sooner sleep in my own bed than in a chair..
Sleeping in a chair.. and then when you wake up.. OOOOHHH the pain and krinks in the neck and clunks of the bones and the crankiness of not getting a good nights sleep.
Special K
I think you should go back and put chains on the doors, maybe sprinkle a little blood on the doorposts.
I haven't been into a Kingdom Hall since the night I walked out on my second JC. Will be ten years at the end of this month.
Aside from in my nightmares, of course.
Because it is only at the Kingdom Hall that you will receive the spiritual nourishment you need to survive the Great Day of God the Almighty. You see, Jehovah is a angry, vengeful God, who exacts "Exclusive Devotion", and how can you serve Him if you're not receiving timely reminders from the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class through ALL FIVE meetings. My mother always told me that missing a meeting was like slamming the door in Jehovahs' face, which makes Him angry. In addition, it is the only source for the "New Truth's" from God's chariot like organization.
You see, Jehovah is a angry, vengeful God, who exacts "Exclusive Devotion",
Integ, you are WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! Jehovah is a happy, loving God! Just look at all the loving shit he's done for us. I'll give you some examples when I quit drawing a blank....