...And The Most / Least Honest Nation Is:
by Englishman 18 Replies latest jw friends
Since canada is the 7th most honest country in the world, ahead of usa and even britain, that means that our posts should never be disputed, eh?
Now, what was my name again? Oh yah, SS
run dont walk
have to agree with SS
cute boys... real cute.. so since I live near Canada, that qualifies me as well, correct?
Very good site. Reminds be of the Encarta Atlas / stats
Edited to add:
Blimey! Didn't expect this stat to be listed ...
Sorry Moe, but being 'honest', you just live near to Canada that just makes you nearly as honest.
"Close only counts in horse-shoes and hand grenades."
SS - Well done. heh heh heh
PS - This poll obviously doesn't take into consideration various parts of Quebec (Trois Riviere for example)
Sorry sis, there are channels to go through to raise your
vibrational levelstatus.SS
What would be an even more challenging piece of research, and possibly a most politically incorrect one at that, is to quantify whether when people move from country to country they bring their honesty / dishonesty with them. For example, do Bangladeshi or Paraguayans who emigrate to Canada reflect the dishonesty of their nation in their new home? Does a long-term exposure to their less corrupt new home affect their own level of personal honesty?
Isn't Denmark the country where people carry cards begging not to be euthanizes against their will if hospitalized? If so, maybe their degree of honesty is due to the fact that those who could complain aren't around to complain anymore.Hummmmm!
Its interesting, but it does not refer to personal honesty of citizens - its about levels of corruption:
Definition: relates to perceptions of the degree of corruption as seen by business people, academics and risk analysts, and ranges between 0 (highly clean) and 10 (highly corrupt). Includes police corruption, business corruption, political corruption, etc.