Will I be disfellowshippwd

by Sydney 42 Replies latest social relationships

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    I think Sydney has been on here before

    Yup. I think someone is having a bit of “fun” with this.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    yep--trolling us again.

  • Jeffro

    Yes, there’s something familiar about the inability to get the timeline right…

  • Sydney

    Sorry if y'all think I am trolling you I am not i just don't know what to do. I did have sex with him before my baptism but that was months before would that count? Idk if I repent or not.

  • Balaamsass2

    1. See your medical doctor ASAP for your well-being and the baby's.

    2. Run don't walk to see a....psychiatrist... who can diagnose and prescribe medication...if safe for the baby.

    3. Do you have a support system and safe place?

  • Sydney

    I do kinda but if I get disfellowshipped they can't talk to me

  • Jeffro

    You don’t seem to understand how pregnancy works. If your story is this inconsistent with the elders, you will probably be disfellowshipped unless they are particularly gullible.

    General advice to someone in such a situation would be to build up a support network outside the religion prior to putting yourself at risk of social isolation.

    And don’t rely on the kneejerk rumors that ‘everything is easy now, you just have to say sorry’.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA
    Sorry if y'all think I am trolling you I am not i just don't know what to do. I did have sex with him before my baptism but that was months before would that count? Idk if I repent or not.

    How many weeks pregnant are you?

    If you are not trolling this will be interesting test case to see how the new light works in practice.

    what have the elders said so far and what did you say?

    what happens if you say you are sorry and say you are not sleeping with him anymore but they think you are?

    I think the new light is so desperately trying to stop the bleeding that they will not DF you if you say you are sorry that is enough

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    Sydneya day agoHello everyone I had sex with my 'worldly' bf 7 days ago. It was after I was baptized. I went and talked to the elders and they said they won't do anything but they are setting up a panel for me of three elders.
  • Vanderhoven7


    Hello everyone I had sex with my 'worldly' bf 7 days ago. It was after I was baptized. I went and talked to the elders and they said they won't do anything but they are setting up a panel for me of three elders.

    So you were intimate with him prior to and after you were baptized.

    Will your boyfriend stick it out with you? If you both are not in love, be ready to be a single mom without family support.

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