In my ex-husband's congregation, I don't know of a single individual who could calculate the percentages. They just see a bunch of big numbers and say "ooh!". ( I don't mean to stereotype - maybe this is just a particularly ignorant congregation. )
"Outstanding" response to conventions?
by expatbrit 13 Replies latest jw friends
You know, they're starting to sound like the old Russian communists in their factory broadcasts to the workers.
"We exceeded our target and made 3 tractors yesterday!"
run dont walk
okay any one with a calculator, at this current incredibly explosive pace they are on, how long to hit 7,000,000, then 8,000,000 and 10,000,000 JW's, how about 1,000,000,000. And we are to believe Armageddon is SOON !
whatever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many people will have been counted twice, as many Witnesses attend more than one convention, probably cancelling out any extra ones over and above the publisher rate.