WT's Airplane Damaged -Again- Visiting Another Fishing Lodge

by Gerard 120 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Gerard
    This plane was purchased at a discounted price and required considerable renovations.

    I have access to very good databases and never read that. Would you mind sharing this source of with us?

    This work was performed on a volunteer basis (of course).

    As a private pilot, I can assure you that only FAA-certified mechanics on airframes and powerplants are authorized to overhaul an aircraft. Their labor is not cheap, neither are the parts. Would you mind sharing this source with us?

    The pilots are dubs so there's no cost there.
    "The airline transport certificated pilot and the three passengers were not injured. http://www.ntsb.gov/ntsb/brief.asp?ev_id=20030702X01003&key=1

    This means that the pilot is a twin-engine commercial pilot; Not your average Alaskn private pilot. Again, commericial pilots are not cheap. Would you mind sharing this source with us?

    Flying is a legitimate means of transportation in Alaska and many people, dubs or not, own and operate their own planes

    Flying is legitimate. I am questioning the moral and fairness to use donated funds to purchase and operate a fancy twin-engine aircraft loaded with four dubs going to visit villages with no infrastructure other that one fishing lodge and 2 natives?

  • frenchbabyface

    ... Interesting ...

  • integ
    Jesus Christ, what did I start here?

    Don't bring Him into this please...Jesus has nothing to do with the Watchtower.


  • Gerard


    Your silence to my request seems to imply you do not have a credible source of information of your defense of the WT's purchase and use of a luxury aircraft to go visiting fishing lodges.

    I believe that most of us wish the GB were not so abusive of their power...but making excuses for their greed will not help us recover the perspective.



  • morty

    Very interesting..sorry guys never had time to read the rest of the threads but......

    Is this the reason why they want the money from Vicki....Sorry,but this is disgusting!!

    To think that they collect (take) money from people,that in some cases cant even feed

    their own family, and have the nerve to want money from Vicki to go on a damn

    vacation! Now I have heard it all......So sad to hear that their little posh plane did not

    have its nose up..........VERY DISTURBING.....


  • jayhawk1


    Very interesting! I once worked for Cessna's main competitor Raytheon Aircraft (Beechcraft) and I think I learned more from you last couple of posts about aircraft maintenance and flight than I learned in the six years I worked for Raytheon. Not a big shock.

    I wonder what kind of excuse the Watchtower Society has for this one. Perhaps they could say they were in Alaska looking for the KING OF THE NORTH.

  • Surreptitious


    First, let me say that it was never (nor is it) my intention to rile anyone up. I only say what I say in the interest of fairness. Due to human nature, we often are prone to emotionalism and this can cloud our objectivity. I understand and appreciate that many here have been hurt by the WTB&TS and/or their representatives. This is, among other things, very sad. Thus I want to make it clear that I am not a WTB&TS apologist. On the other hand it is difficult for me to observe the dissemination of views that could be perceived as slanted. Gerry, if you were my worst enemy and someone was saying untrue and unfair things about you, I would stick up for you. Call me dumb, but that's the way it is. It is with that sentiment in mind that I say what I say .

    Now, I'll see if I can answer your questions:

    Your silence to my request seems to imply you do not have a credible source of information of your defense of the WT's purchase and use of a luxury aircraft to go visiting fishing lodges.

    I'm not defending "the WT's purchase and use of a luxury aircraft to go visiting fishing villages." If it could be proven that this is what they were doing, I would not defend that. I am however defending fairness and objectivity. Both of which do not leave room for broad assumptions. Also, a relatively simple multi-seat plane can hardly be called a "luxury aircraft", anymore than a school bus could be called a conversion van.

    This plane was purchased at a discounted price and required considerable renovations.

    I have access to very good databases and never read that. Would you mind sharing this source of with us? My eyeballs.

    This work was performed on a volunteer basis (of course).

    As a private pilot, I can assure you that only FAA-certified mechanics on airframes and powerplants are authorized to overhaul an aircraft. Their labor is not cheap, neither are the parts. Would you mind sharing this source with us? My eyeballs.

    The pilots are dubs so there's no cost there.
    "The airline transport certificated pilot and the three passengers were not injured. http://www.ntsb.gov/ntsb/brief.asp?ev_id=20030702X01003&key=1

    This means that the pilot is a twin-engine commercial pilot; Not your average Alaskn private pilot. Again, commericial pilots are not cheap. Would you mind sharing this source with us? You're right. This brother is not your average Alaskan private pilot.

    Flying is a legitimate means of transportation in Alaska and many people, dubs or not, own and operate their own planes

    Flying is legitimate. I am questioning the moral and fairness to use donated funds to purchase and operate a fancy twin-engine aircraft loaded with four dubs going to visit villages with no infrastructure other that one fishing lodge and 2 natives? You're right again. If all the villages in Alaska were like that it wouldn't make much sense would it? By the way, I was going to joke and say, "Cool your jets!" but I didn't know how you'd take it! lol Syrup

  • SYN

    I'm sure that everyone on this site is well aware that no Governing Body member bothers to actually go Witnessing.

    So what on Earth were they doing in these apparently virtually uninhabited locales?

    It doesn't take a lot of brain-power to figure out.

    Let me put it this way - I'm willing to be convinced that they weren't having a nice old fishing trip, but it would take a lot of convincing!

  • primitivegenius

    i hate the fact that the wt use money given to further kingdom work to buy things that arent necessary yes...... the plane however is easily justified being the fact its common place in that part of the world......... but the pic of the super nice inside...... i noticed that the numbers on the outside of the plane pic........ werent the same as the numbers mentioned regarding the plane. so this leads me to belive that these werent actual pics of the wt plane in question........... so maybe it wasnt as nice inside............... probably was nicer. i think it urks us all for the many $$ in contributions we gave them while in......... and then to think they spent it on luxury items rather than preaching. even worse....... to hear of them being bestards toward vicki and the others we dont know about.

  • frenchbabyface

    Ok ? here is the difference between

    Sense of fairness:

    The right to chose what they are doing with the money as leaders
    They didn?t hurt anybody here especially
    and do we hurt them in saying (hey please ? we know what you are doing?)They are probably able to laugh about that themselves (LOL and not LOL)

    Sense of justice :

    Sense of justice have to raise this question about the twisted sense fairness for a judgment about that:
    In knowing the purpose of donations. Do they have the right to use the money for their own pleasure ? or let?s say little stuff - while they forget about those who really need it and the victims?Is there something to laugh about here ? Just think about Victoria and you?ll realise that you just can?t ?

    That is it, so now what is your position: justice or fairness?
    Lawyers are allowed to have this kind of twisted fairness because of their job (and believe me more you have money to pay them and more they are able to twist it) and it works - cause people are able to forget about justice in fact, when they did a great job !!!

    An example out of the bible:God said you can have slave you bought (fairness but twisted)
    No slave (justice)
    If you can buy a slave ? you can help him instead

    Sense of fairness without sense of justice is twisted and then you forget about the victims (too bad)

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