Embarassing moments you witnessed?

by starfish422 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • starfish422

    Not yours; but those of others you had the good fortune to watch happen.

    My favourite is the time we had the CO and his wife for lunch after field service, and my mum swore in front of them. Granted, it was just after one of the sisters had pulled out of our driveway, was driving down the road and was rearended by someone speeding along our street. My mum let an expletive fly...and, honestly, as outspoken as my mum is, I'm sure that's the only time she truly wished for the ground to open up and swallow her.

  • free will
    free will

    at my son's karate class, just before the adult class started. one of the adult women were stretching and kicking and let loose a big one.

  • iiz2cool

    In one hall I was in a MS was giving the announcements. He said something funny, i forget what, but the whole cong laughed at it. So did he, and he laughed so hard a huge wad of snot flew out of his nose and just hung there for a few seconds until he could clean it up. Everyone roared with laughter.


  • sens

    well cant remember any good ones ive witnessed...only been.

    I remember once, when i was about 18...I got up ...went out to lounge , and 2 brothers were sitting on the sofa....bad thing being...i was only wearing a atari t.shirt and gstring...i didnt know anyone was visiting...

    my mother just stood there like this

    but they were like this...

  • Nosferatu

    I remember one time when my mother got up for the song, she let out a monster fart.

    There was a kid in our bookstudy who wore a T-shirt with a logo on it underneath his dress shirt, which someone pointed out.

    The bookstudy conductor did some research on something in the book we were studying (can't remember what it was), and made copies for everyone. There was one minor typo that got everyone roaring. It was supposed to say "It tastes like crab", but it read "It tastes like crap".

    I fell through the goddam chair at the Kingdom Hall because there were no screws holding it together.

  • Xandria
    I fell through the goddam chair at the Kingdom Hall because there were no screws holding it together.

    Sorry, I got bored during a meeting and fittled with the screws..


  • Bendrr

    Happened to a cousin of mine years and years ago. He was conducting the WT study one fine Sunday and somehow skipped over a paragraph. So his wife in the audience caught his attention and mouthed to him "you skipped a paragraph". After a couple of confused looks from him and a couple of repeats from her, he walked off the stage to the back of the hall for a moment, then returned to the podium. Red-faced, he said "I thought she said 'zipped'".

    At a convention once, there was a little skit where the family was about to go to the meeting. The mom kept on about how "Little Timmy" was sick and she was about to keep the whole family home from the meeting because "Little Timmy" was sick. Then the father called for "Little Timmy" to come out.......and out walked one of the Falconberry boys, head down and face beet red with embarassment. "Little Timmy" was about 6 feet tall and built like a linebacker. Several thousand people fell out of their seats laughing and totally lost the point of the skit.


  • Mulan

    We had the CO and his wife for dinner. Our 2 year old jumped down from the table, pulled his pants down, peed on the floor and said "whoops, I farted".

    We were all dying. They acted like it was a common occurence and just kept eating and talking to the boy.

  • Swan

    I remember one book study when whoomp! All of a sudden Sig Wein was on the floor. His cheepo bookstudy wooden folding chair broke very suddenly. Sig was no a big or heavy man. He was the president of an airline (Wein Alaska) and the book study group was horrified, especially the householder, that this important rich guy ended up on the floor. The thing is, he really was a nice and down-to-earth man who even took time to talk to us kids like we were people. The householder was a mean snooty woman who always made us kids feel like we should be seen and not heard. There is a lesson in there somewhere.


  • SanFranciscoJim

    The Presiding Overseer's son was giving his very first Sunday talk at the Kingdom Hall. All was going well until about halfway through the talk, a spider came out of the ceiling and spun a web dangling down in front of his face. He calmly continued his talk, but you could see his eyes following the spider as it lowered itself in front of his face. Suddenly and without warning, he took his New World Translation, raised it to just below where the spider was hanging, and WOP -- slammed the spider into a squished mess inside his Bible. About half the congregation jumped out of their seats. He put the Bible back down on the podium and continued his talk without skipping a beat.

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