Well what rule of thumb do you think these financial dim-wits dream up? I think those not sending in their money to the org are some of the first properties to unload while you spare the higher payers for last.
You don't want to piss off the loyal contributers by making them miss meetings,, that's a no win situation so dump the free loaders as a negative asset and keep the more profitable ones.
And those who's loans the WT forgave, watch what happens if you're not send in those regular payments like before, and slack off by a significant amount. You're next baby. They want their money back and don't try to stop them and elder that hinders the sale will be brought up on charges and promptly disfellowshipped.
Profitable pedofile infested congregations who cost the WT money in the court will be in a toss up between future recouping ability and how much dirty laundry they got to worry about.