by worldlygirl 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • StinkyPantz

    Umm. . update us on how it went will ya?

  • frenchbabyface

    ENJOY !!!

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    well............what was it like???!!!did you have a good time?




  • Special K
    Special K

    Hey worldly girl..

    I'm happy that you are going out.

    The other guy was a toal jerk if he left you under "spiritual endangerment" clause..

    You deserve better than that..

    have fun on your date..worldly girl


    Special K

  • Aztec

    How'd it go?


  • dottie

    *tapping fingers* Well???? How was the date??? We want details !

  • worldlygirl

    Okay, okay, I know the suspense is killing you all!!! I had a WONDERFUL time! Like I said, my "date" was with an old friend. In fact, we grew up right down the street from one another. He is going through a divorce, too, but we were so happy to be spending time together we didn't lament over our troubles too much.

    It was really nice to have a conversation vs. an argument. I didn't realize how much my ex and I had been arguing before he left. But, during dinner it occurred to me that it was actually weird to be talking about work, current events, etc... NORMAL things. I didn't have to hear the word "Jehovah" even once!!!!!!!!

    Anyway, I stayed out kind of late. We had dinner and a couple of drinks - they had to kick us out of the bar!

    I don't know much about this dating game. I don't want to call him, but I DO want to see him again. I know I'm not ready for a relationship, and I know what people say about being on the rebound. Oh, well, whatever will be will be.

    Thanks for your interest, guys. And if I have any juicier details to share later on, I will. Oh, and Stacy Smith, thanks for the advice. The hairy legs thing works every time!!!!!!!

    Love you all......Worldlygirl

  • WildHorses
    Don't shave your legs and wear grannie panties.

    Hmm, I guess you didn't see Bridget Jones diary, did ya?

  • jwbot

    Stacy: The not shaving legs (or other areas *ahem*) and granny panty thing doesn't work for me anymore (well I am involved..but whatever...) because when you want it, you want it :)

    But don't worry Stacy, I shall shave for you. ;)

  • SpunkyChick

    Awwww yeeah, you get it gurl....*spank it* hehe

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