What's with all the Frigg'in Baseball????????

by Elsewhere 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    For quite some times now every time I turn on Fox (Channel 4 here in the Dallas area) all I see is some damn baseball game..... and it goes on and on and on and on...... don't they EVER end???????

    Am I the ONLY person here sick to DEATH of baseball? Does ANYONE actually sit through HOUR after HOUR after HOUR of that booooooooring game?

    Oh, and let me guess who will win the WORLD Series.... the USA

  • Soledad
    Am I the ONLY person here sick to DEATH of baseball?

    you must be I think baseball is great


  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Go Cubs! Go Red Sox! Best playoffs in a decade or more and you're complaining? Sheesh...:)

  • SanFranciscoJim

    Hear! Hear! What was once "baseball season" has turned into excess.

    Oh, and let me guess who will win the WORLD Series.... the USA

    Andy Rooney did a piece on this on 60 Minutes the other night. He pointed out that the Japanese also play serious baseball. In fact, Japan nearly always wins the Little League championships. Funny how Japan is never invited to play in the World Series, isn't it?

  • oldcrowwoman

    Yup!!! I am a baseball fan. I am a Twins fan but they were eliminated from the race. I am rooting for the Cubs.

    Hoping the Cubs will play Boston Red Sox!!!!!

    Old Crow

  • dottie

    Well, being from Canada (see avatar) I'm more of a hockey nut than baseball. I find baseball is a good way to put me to sleep. No offense to those that enjoy it...I am still trying to understand this American Sunday Religion called the "NFL"

    I think I'll stick with my hockey...ahhh...ice, sticks and blades...a fine Canadian tradition!

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    So let me get this straight...you're complaining because you can't watch the TV you want? Baeball is about the only TV I watch all year - that and the Daily Show.

    TV rots your brain. If at any time you're tired of things like this, maybe you need to cut back! :)

  • heathen

    Elsewhere --- It's only until the world series is over . It's a hell of alot better than watching ranger baseball . Goooooooooooooo Yankees . Tonight the stars play nashville on channel 27 now there's a game worth watching. Goooooooo Stars Gooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • jwbot

    I am a Red Sox fan, my S/O is a Yankies fan....much strife. ;)

    I drove by Dairy Queen and there is a sign up that says "Yankies fans pay double price"

    It was hilarious!

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I'm a SF Giants fan and since they're all signed up for rehab about now I am not that interested in baseball. But it would be cool if the Sox and Cubs made it to the world series. Or is it world serious?

    Japan plays our pros every spring. They play against mostly minor leaguers and get their asses kicked. What purpose would it be for them to play with the best? Only a handful of Japanese players have made it to the majors, they are good, but they are only a handful.

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