Anthony Morris depicts ex-members as ''Despicable Apostates''

by RULES & REGULATIONS 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Here is one of the many commandments Jesus instructed his twelve Apostles to keep, follow, and obey!

    Here is Anthony Morris ( supposedly selected by Jehovah to keep, follow and obey the sayings of Jesus ) name-calling and condemning enemies! The Pharisees used to label people as well. Jesus said in Matthew 15:8 ‘This people honors Me with their lips, But their heart is far away from Me.

  • Vidiot

    Way to dehumanize the opposition, Top-Shelf.


  • waton

    "---dedicated their life to god---"

    Tony and Co. inc is confusing himself with the creator of the universe.

    Not dedicated to wt inc. sir.

  • lancelink
  • Clarkey

    The top GB members of the JWS have always been sinning despicable apostates( false prophets) .

    So as to Morris's comments ..... Pot calling the kettle black

    The imposing question pops up which is, who are dedicated Christians to be loyal to these men or Jesus Christ and the father ?

    The bible clearly states to test the teachings of individual preachers to see if they are inline with what has been given them to say.

    Selling $$$ and preaching a false gospel is a despicable sin.

  • SadElder

    He stands and spouts the scriptures ad nauseam and is happy for the destruction of people, but forgets his own remake of the Scriptures.

    (Ezekiel 33:11) Tell them, ‘“As surely as I am alive,” declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, “I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that someone wicked changes his way and keeps living. Turn back, turn back from your bad ways, for why should you die, O house of Israel?”’

    To quote the words of the old Bethel protestor Mr. Coffee, "liars, false prophets".

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    theres something soft , squashy and sick about that AM3.

    Maybe his sphincter is too tight.

  • Overrated

    Tony Morris- should try molt liquor instead of Scotch.

  • FedUpJW

    Maybe his sphincter is too tight.

    Or as my uncle used to say, "His problem is obvious. He has a paper asshole!"

  • Fadeaway1962

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