Just saw this on yahoo newspage:
Ya know, I recall hearing as a jw child, how "we will know Armageddon is near when all OTHER churches fall".
by sf 15 Replies latest social current
Just saw this on yahoo newspage:
Ya know, I recall hearing as a jw child, how "we will know Armageddon is near when all OTHER churches fall".
could you post the text... I'm having trouble with the URL
Feds Condemn Robertson for Nuke Comment
Sat Oct 11,12:21 PM ET |
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - The U.S. State Department has condemned an on-air suggestion by religious broadcaster Pat Robertson that the agency ought to be blown up with a nuclear device.
Robertson, who heads the Virginia Beach-based Christian Broadcasting Network, made the remark while interviewing author Joel Mowbray on "The 700 Club" television program last week. Mowbray wrote a book called "Dangerous Diplomacy: How the State Department Endangers America's Security."
"I read your book. When you get through, you say, 'If I could just get a nuclear device inside Foggy Bottom, I think that's the answer.' I mean, you get through this, and you say, 'We've got to blow that thing up,'" Robertson said during the interview.
The State Department's headquarters are located in Foggy Bottom, a Washington neighborhood.
Richard Boucher, the agency's top spokesman, called the remark Thursday "despicable."
"I lack sufficient capabilities to express my disdain," Boucher said to reporters during a press briefing.
Robertson was out of town and could not be reached for comment, his spokeswoman Angell Watts said Friday.
In National Review magazine, Mowbray has written articles criticizing the way visas were issued in Saudi Arabia. Mowbray was questioned in 2002 by the State Department after disclosing at a press briefing that he had obtained a classified document about visa issues.
Robertson also advocated bombing the State Department during a June interview with Mowbray.
"Well, it looks like Congress had better do something, and maybe we need a very small nuke thrown off on Foggy Bottom to shake things up," Robertson said.
The Christian evangelist regularly condemns the State Department as a rogue element he says consistently undermines U.S. policies and the principles of freedom.
"It's like an entrenched bureaucracy that has their own agenda, and it doesn't comport with the will of the American people. How do we get rid of them?" he said during the June interview.
In a July broadcast of "The 700 Club," Robertson accused the State Department of supporting Muslim rebels who opposed the Liberian government headed by Charles Taylor.
Robertson, a Bush supporter who has financial interests in Liberia, said he believed the State Department has "mismanaged the situation in nation after nation after nation" in Africa.
"So we're undermining a Christian, Baptist president to bring in Muslim rebels to take over the country," he said during the July broadcast.
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Oops, Skally and I posted the info at the same time,lol! Very interesting stuff, wouldn't think a man of Gawd would want to nuke Americans, but I guess it takes all kinds.
This guy has always given me the creeps, he is only second to Jerry Falwell and the late Fred Franz on my "creepy religious wack-jobs" list.
And this man ran for President.
Hi sKally!
Here is the real reason that ole Pat is so pissed at the state department.
Another example of the so-called Christian Right espousing a supply-side Jesus.
Have a great weekend (whatever is left of it)!
And this man ran for President.
Fortunately, he never stood a snowballs chance in hell of making it. But, he has the freedom to run as does everyone else. The left has spawned some real kooks too and fortunately for us all, they too never stood a snowballs chance in hell either. While I take his bombing comment more as a tongue in cheek comment, it is a dumb and tasteless thing to state over the air and in today's climate, could land one in a lot of trouble.
And this man ran for President.
And this woman ran for governor. running doesn't mean you are serious
Robertson is a lot more moderate than I am. Got up and cheered in the theater when I saw "Independence Day" for the first time and D.C. got obliterated by the aliens. If I had a to choose which Americans HAD to die in a terrorist attack I'd choose capitol hill in a new york minute. I couldn't think of a better way to get rid of 535 blood and life sucking parasites in a single flash. Then we could start over with a few new rules.
1.Term limits; no pensions paid for by the little people-you want a gazillion dollar pension, put your own money into it.
2.No lobbying for foreign countries-ever! You're an American or you are not.
3.No income tax-EVER! EVER! EVER! Reimpose import tariffs on ALL goods not made in the good ole USA. NO IRS OR OTHER GESTAPO-LIKE AGENCY could ever be authorized or enacted by congress EVER, EVER,EVER!
4.All lawmakers would have to live in gov. supplied housing (projects) dedicated for their use, while congress was in session; no more near freebies like subsidized hair cuts, subsidized club memberships, etc
5.Any politician caught accepting ANY type of gratuity from any company, labor union, or lobbying group, or SIG would immediately loose their seat in congress and go directly to jail and forbidden to EVER hold elective or appointed office ever again.
6.Public airwave licenses would require ,that for 6 months prior to an election, ALL tv, radio stations and whatever is invented in the future (along the lines of mass info,news, entertainment,etc) dedicate 10 hours monthly in prime time(cost free) to debates that would include ALL candidates who could get the top 10 vote shares from ALL legally qualified candidates in a national primary 2 months before the official election period of 6 months.
7. People could donate however much they wanted to whatever candidate they choose. Just people who are registered to vote. Not registered-not allowed to donate. Lists of donors and the amounts donated would be published weekly.Jail time for all who violate this.
8.No corporate, union, special interest group donations allowed. Any politician caught accepting donations from these prohibited groups would be prohibited from ever holding any type of public office ever again.And he would lose whatever position he held at the time of the discovery and receive a jail sentence as would the chief executives of the forbidden groups..
9.Only non lawyers could hold public office and any law must be written to be understood by the average high school graduate. No committees or subcommittees could ever be formed by congress. Each and every law would be fully read in it's entirety in congress before being voted on.
10.No subsidies could ever be paid to any business, corp., union, farmer, food conglomerate or any trade group for any reason other than a national crisis which would require a favorable vote from 75% of congress to pass.
11. Any company, hospital corp, business sig, union ,etc. caught stealing from or cheating the gov in contracts would be prohibited from ever holding any type of gov contract in the future. All of the chief execs of those entities would go to jail and be forever barred from ever holding or getting a gov contract ever again, even if it was in a different entity under a different name.
12. No law could ever be passed that would steal from young people to pay for old peoples benefits. NO more social security, old age benefits, etc. Each person would be required to open their own IRA and save for their own future. disability insurance would also be required to be paid out of that IRA account.
13. No welfare for anyone for longer than 1 year except for the severly handicapped, severly disabled at a young age or severly retarded whose every need would be supplied by the gov thru a special welfare dept dedicated to them. Everyone else would be required to work to support themselves and their children.God help derelict or run away parents because the FBI would be required to hunt them down like serial killers. Those unwilling to support the children they brought into this world (verified by DNA testing) would be put to death. No exceptions. You can't keep your legs crossed or your zippers up, you pay the ultimate penalty.
Did I leave anything out?
BTW, I am a 58 year old divorced female who has worked all of my life and supported my children on my own. The older I get the more I hate gov.