From Eden Prairie in Minneapolis, Minn. comes the story of Prince calling at a Jewish couples' home in the hopes of converting them to Jehovah's Witnesses. Read here
Prince proselytizes
by Kenneson 20 Replies latest jw friends
Very interesting article. Thanks for sharing. I'm finding it so hard to visually see Prince in the preaching work. What a fool.
Purple Rain Purple Rain
You mean......
"The Publisher Formerly Known As the Artist Formerly Known As Prince"
.....don't you??
I can't wait till Prince is "in" for a while.....realizes what the hell is going on...and starts writing "new" songs. Wonder what they'll be about??
When he realizes he was fooled so badly.....
HEADLINE: C.J.: Jumping Jehovah! Prince goes a door-knockin'
Proselytizing for Jehovah's Witnesses during last Sunday's Vikings game wasn't the smoothest call Prince has ever made. An Eden Prairie woman, who prefers to be identified only as Rochelle, said, "Door bell rings. My husband runs upstairs and says, 'Prince is at the door!' I said, 'No way.' " Even though this was an inopportune time, they let in the man who introduced himself at "Prince Nelson" and another man. "I'm terrible with names," Rochelle said. "He was a bass player for some group, a long time ago. Older gentleman." Larry Graham? "Very good," Rochelle said. "This is Sunday about 2 o'clock. And it's the night of Yom Kippur. My first thought is 'Cool, cool, cool. He wants to use my house for a set. I'm glad! Demolish the whole thing! Start over!' Then they start in on this Jehovah's Witnesses stuff. I said, 'You know what? You've walked into a Jewish household, and this is not something I'm interested in.' He says, Can I just finish? Then the other guy, Larry Graham!
, gets out his little Bible and starts reading scriptures about being Jewish and the land of Israel." Uh-oh. Rochelle said she could not help but think, the Vikings had possession of the ball about two seconds ago. "They stayed for about 25 minutes," Rochelle said. "Left us a pamphlet." She should have asked Symbolina for an autograph. "There's no reason to slam him," she said. "He didn't do anything wrong; he was very kind. We watched him leave. Outside is a big black truck with a woman, long dark hair, in the front seat and they left." The woman met the general description of Prince's supposed wife, Manuella. Rochelle seemed perplexed that Prince didn't seem to stop at any other houses in her neighborhood. "They go door-to-door. Walking. He wasn't walking. He was driving." Hey, he was knocking on doors during a Vikings-Falcons game -- you can't expect Symbolina to follow ALL the rules of the religion he declared as his new faith in a 2001 magazine interview. "It!
was so bizarre, you would have just laughed," she said. The p!
erfect e
sprit d'escalier came to Rochelle after Prince left: "If I showed up at Paisley [Park], would you let me in your front door to talk about Judaism?" There was no response from Paisley Park, where a note seeking a comment was delivered Thursday.
Flip's fling for K.G.
Word is that the Timberwolves asked Flip and Debbie Saunders to throw a cocktail party to celebrate Kevin Garnett's contract extension. The streets around the Saunders home looked like a very expensive auto dealership for the party of around 200. K.G. was there with his girlfriend, Brandi Padilla. So were Wally and Shannon Szczerbiak, along with other local glitterati and richerati Jimmy Jam, Glen Taylor, Glenda and Dick Huston, Gregg and Laura Stone, John and Cheryl Besse, Teri and Bill Popp, Ralph and Peggy Burnet.
Toast (crunch) to Clay
The Cinnamon Toast Crunch will flow for those Clay Aiken fans. Organizers of Monday's CD release party for the "American Idol" runner-up asked the folks at General Mills for some of Aiken's favorite cereal. "They said, Yeah, we'll send you some boxes," said Sara Kosiorek. "Not only did they send them to us but [also to] the other 90 parties taking place around the country. They sent free cereal to everybody." Kosiorek said that after Generals Mills figured out who this Clay guy was, they really got behind the event, along with Sam Goody and Krispy Kremes. The party at the MOA's Gators starts at 7 p.m., awaiting the midnight release of Aiken's album. Kosiorek said even before the party notices went out on the Web to Aiken fans, 100 party-goers registered. Find more info at
It's hell after 'Paradise'
Reality is biting for the $250,000 winner of FOX's "Paradise Hotel." A very wary Charla said, "Who is this?" when reached Thursday. "I'm sorry. I'm really [suspicious] about people who call me. A radio station, some jokers in Utah, just gave out my phone number over the air," said the Twin Cities model. Charla is the only name she's giving out these days, whether it's "Entertainment Tonight" or Maxim magazine, in which she's scheduled to be featured in December. Charla believes a fellow "cast member" gave her number to the radio station. Well, I didn't watch "Paradise Hotel" -- "Good for you," said Charla -- but my show tutor, financial adviser Dan Rutman, did after his wife, Andrea, got him hooked on it. When I told Dan how jumpy Charla is, he said, "She was real jittery on the show." Perhaps that carried over into the post-reality life because of how she treated a fellow cast mate named Dave? "Oh yeah," Charla said. "He lost. I won, and I decided not to give him half of my!
winnings." If Charla feels badly about cutting out Dave, she's not saying so. She said she needs the cheese "to help out my family." Charla said she couldn't wait to get back to Minnesota. "A lot of people move to L.A." after a little TV exposure, "I brought my bag right back to Minnesota and continued my life." -
What? Is prince weird?
I thought he cleaned up his act!!!!!
Oh wait- I am thinking of "prostitutes"
My bad.....
Funny how he was not going door-to-door... I guess he does this "one house" thing because if he doesn't he will be swamped with people wanting to get autographs.
"Flying on the Wings of the New World Translation" is, as I recall, one of his latest songs...inspired by Freddie himself, no doubt.