Anger is not our nature because we feel peaceless and miserable till we revert to normalcy. Similarly seeking guidance is not our nature because at the back of our mind we know that the other person is no different from me, equally prone to make mistake and to put own interest first …. hence we don’t feel at ease. May be out of helplessness one may do it, but consciously, why would anyone choose to be anything where he has to seek something from someone or something else? Wouldn't every human being want to be 100% within himself? The way we think is the way we become. Whatever you hold as the highest, naturally all your energies get drawn towards that.
Why is this blind allegiance to the anointed ones?
by anointed1 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I agree with what you wrote about self empowerment
There seems to be a part in the nature of some
that doesn't feel qualified to make their own decisions
JWs in times past would write "The (Watch Tower) Society/Mother" for
help with all sorts of life decisions
Now it's elders that are put upon to help with things including the
"What clothing should I wear?"
To me this doesn't seem like normal behaviour
Yes tepidpoultry you got it.
What you said has been discerned by many people. For example, Ecclesiasticus (33, 19–22 and 37, 13): “Whatever you are doing, rely on yourself, for this, too, is a way of keeping the commandments… Trust your own judgment, for it is your most reliable counselor.”
It’s easy to understand why this book isn’t included in the Biblical canon. To advocate that individuals rely on themselves and trust their own judgment means the end of religious hierarchy!
I forgot to add the following to my earlier comments:
Yet somehow they noticed the same concept even in the canonical book (Ecclesiastes 3: 12–13 and 9, 9): “I have concluded that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to enjoy themselves as long as they live, and also that everyone should eat and drink, and find enjoyment in all his toil… Enjoy life with your beloved wife during all the days of your fleeting life…”
Hence they added a verse that would contradict it in the end of the book: “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. For God will bring every deed into judgment.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14)