I was born in, and believed that JWism was broadly "the truth", after all that phrase, "the truth", was used more than any other, in Meetings and JW conversation.
But I was always questioning, when I was about 9 I read a new explanation of the book of Daniel by the org, called " Thy Will be Done" I think, it differed from what I had read in the old Books by Rutherford. At that young age I was a voracious Reader, and our house only had a few Novels etc in it, most were JW Books. I was one of the few youngsters who actually read the stuff !
I asked my father about the change in interpretation, and he gave me a curt and unsatisfactory reply, so I didn't question him further. But from then on I questioned the "Society's" interpretation of Scripture, but still believed the basics.
After I finally woke up fully and left, an Elder said to me " But you were never a 100% J.W ", this was to justify in his mind my failure to swallow the bullshit and hence leaving, and he perceived it too as a slight reprimand, I just took it as a compliment !
I still fail to comprehend how it took me so very long to fully wake up, but the Mind Control of phrases like "the truth", the constant referring to the Bible as " God's word" and so on, is very strong, I thank the Internet and the people on it for helping me wake up !