Bring it on cult Watchtower! They must be hurting for shekels - 2 billion in one land sale and they're still hungry. I want my money back from the cult - they lie and deceive people to get them to sign on. They aren't popular thus all the lies.
JW cult suing everyone critical of the cult
by phoenixrising 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I may be wrong, but I believe they're only suing people that are using their copyrighted materials, not just anyone critical of the cult. There is the concept of "fair use" but there are things that have to be met to meet that threshold and let's face it, Watchtower has free lawyers working in house so they can sue now and worry about what meets the qualifications later.
If you know of people sued simply for being critical I'd be interested to know. Many people use their materials without care and feel justified but that could prove an issue later. I don't know of anyone that hasn't done something potentially copyright infringing that has been gone after yet for just being critical. -
They are not suing for copy right that is just the cover.
Clearly they'd like to shut people down and of course copyright would be one way to try. But again, do you have evidence of them going after people that are merely critical without using their copyrighted materials? Books where people simply tell their stories? Other such activism without using their copyrighted materials?
The WTS went against U.S. govt the Mexican gov't Russian government. Romanian Gov't. German government, . You pick the country and the WTS Has taken them to court. NO COPYRIGHT. Involved. You cry babies like Dubstepped. And minimus. Crying for proof. Big time Apostates always waving their flag. But don't know their WT her history. I'll make it easy. Who and how many persons, groups did Charles taze Russell try to SUE.
If they care about copyright - do they sue pro-JW channels, websites, social-media groups etc posting their 'copyrighted' BS propaganda? The short answer is no, they don't (there might be exceptions I'm unaware of - but it's definitely not their practice).
Crooked hypocrites abusing the law system.
Hotpepper: The WTS went against U.S. govt the Mexican gov't Russian government. Romanian Gov't. German government, . You pick the country and the WTS Has taken them to court. NO COPYRIGHT. Involved. You cry babies like Dubstepped. And minimus. Crying for proof. Big time Apostates always waving their flag. But don't know their WT her history. I'll make it easy. Who and how many persons, groups did Charles taze Russell try to SUE.
Sigh, let me see if I can help you out here. The original poster made the claim:They are now suing everyone who has books or internet presences critical of the cult. This was never done that I can remember before.
Nobody was talking about history here. You're bowing up over a conversation only being had between your own two ears. I didn't talk history because that wasn't the subject at hand. The OP made a claim that they were NOW suing everyone with books or internet presences critical of the cult. Nobody talked governments or history so gtfo. I asked because I actually AM an activist that is critical of Watchtower and I'd like to keep abreast of their CURRENT actions toward activists. I'm sorry that went over your head.
Yes, in the course of history they have been involved in many lawsuits. We can agree on that and it was never what I was discussing, nor did it seem to be the aim of the OP who was actually contrasting today with the past. -
phoenix rising - "Just like in Scientology they are too stupid to know that this kind of tyrannical behavior only makes more warriors..."
I know, right?
Someone at WTHQ really should Google "The Streisand Effect".
Half banana - "Then they must think we are a serious threat to their existence."
The way they've been behaving, that's super hard to argue with.
And that, IMO, is the real telling point.
They wouldn't be acting as though the Org's survival was at risk unless they truly did believe (subconsciously or otherwise) that it was.
That fact - in and of itself - suggests that on some level, the leadership knows that the Watchtower Society is Wrong...
...because if they were Right (and therefore had God's backing) they'd have no valid reason to act increasingly defensive of the Org's survival.
You shouldn't need to use legal finagling and intimidation to stay in the game if you possess the actual moral high ground...
...therefore, the fact that they do use those tactics indicates that they don't have the moral high ground...
...i.e. they don't have The Truth.
It's difficult to take such claims seriously
Scientology carried out multiple covert operations which included large-scale infiltration, wiretapping and hacking, stalking, harassment, blackmailing etc. etc.:
"a series of infiltrations into and thefts from 136 government agencies, foreign embassies and consulates, as well as private organizations critical of Scientology, carried out by Church members in more than 30 countries. It was one of the largest infiltrations of the United States government in history, with up to 5,000 covert agents"
"the Church of Scientology attempted to cause journalist and writer Paulette Cooper to be imprisoned, killed, driven to suicide or committed to a mental institution, as revenge for her publication in 1971 of a highly critical book"
"The Church had persecuted him by stealing his employment records from a hospital, launching frivolous lawsuits against him and tracking down his patients and neighbors"
"Powell claimed to have received $10,000 a week, for over a year, to conduct full-time surveillance on the elder Miscavige for Scientology"
"a plan to destroy the international police organisation Interpol"
Are you really comparing those actions to a single civil lawsuit<*> over (apparently) a cut-and-dried copyright infringement? And how many ex-JW activists (like Lloyd Evans or Paul Grundy) have actually been sued?
On a side note, I'm just curious if the people overdramatising things like Youtube copyright strikes (breaking news, my ass) or civil lawsuits are the same ones constantly denouncing JWs' "persecution complex"
<*> As to the German case, the defendant was Rowohlt Verlag, a big publishing house. It was just a civil dispute between two rich corporations. Finally, DMCA subpoena cases hardly amount to lawsuits