Best life ever. Is this a slogan that was recently come up with for jw's? I've seen it used as a hashtag on instagram for jw's, key chains, cakes, about me biography description... The first thing I thought was, isn't that a little pretentious? They complain so much about this life. From my observance the past 10 years being married to a JW they seemed to me to be miserable, in all honesty. I was always amazed at all the problems these group of people had. I've never seen a religious group of people have so many issues with each other. i always thought, well that isn't Christian. And actually when I reflect on things, I've never been treated so poorly from some of "God's true people." I've never experienced a group of religious people with so many mental and health issues as the JW's. It does make me sad in all honesty because their life could be so different and more fulfilling. When I've asked a question or debate them on something I've never seen a people so offended and angry yet they will criticize you and tell you how wrong you are to your face.
This site has been so helpful to me to gain more insight and understanding with what I deal with on a daily basis.