Hehe! Come back here Doc! were a redhead!
by Lainey 86 Replies latest jw friends
Hehe! Come back here Doc! were a redhead!
Oh and by the way--I'm sorry but Cassie is still a hottie in his little nerd hovah costume!
Joanna of the "mmm nerds are sexy" class
Awww JoJo you're so cute!
Hey Jo.
That pic disturbs me. That monkey is trying to kill you! Watch out! I know his name:
That's not a picture of me. I found it in a vet textbook. That poor monkey has a strange growth on his ass...I just found it totally bizzare that growth looked like me!
*twilightzone music plays in the background*
If you look at my sisters picture of course they are not too "happy" looking because they are at Grandma's house in that particular photo .. I mean going to grandma's was like entering a vortex. All the life and fun was sucked out of the experience because the rents and family were disfunctional to the umpth degree.
This Phote is of me and my best friend goofing around at my dad's apartment in Hollywood. GAWD.. can't believe I am posting it but here we go.