High school is supposed to be one of the most memorable years of your life. I had fun in my high school days, as I didn't become a jw until after I was married and had a child. Those of you who were born into the borg, your high school days must have been boring. They frown on basically everything from prom, school dances, pep rallies, football games, participating in sports, clubs, etc. Did any of you sneak and attend some of these things or were you a good little dub and went by all the rules? If you went by all the rules what did you do to have fun with the other teens? My daughter who is 17 is enjoying her high school years. We woke up and smelled the coffee when she was 13. I am glad she is able to do things that she wouldn't have been able to do if we stayed in. What do you regret not doing?
My 20th class reunion is in June 2004. My calendar is marked. Had I been a jw, I would have passed on it.