hidden messages in the bible

by invictus 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • invictus

    have you heard of Chuck Missler? I just got his booklet " Hidden Treasures in the Bible", and this is an interesting statement:

    ( comparing names in hebrew and their english meaning)

    Hebrew English

    Adam Man

    Seth Appointed

    Enosh Mortal

    Kenan Sorrow

    Mahalalel The Blessed God

    Jared Shall come down

    Enoch Teaching

    Methuselah His death shall bring

    Lamech The despairing

    Noah Rest or comfort

    so put together:" Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow:( but )the Blessed God shall come down teaching ( that) His death shall bring ( the ) despairing rest.

    Then he coments:" Here is a summary of God`s plan of redemption,hidden here within the geneology in Genesis! you will never convince me that a group of Jewish rabbis deliberately contrived to hide a summary of the Christian Gospel right here in a genealogy within their venerated Torah!"

    for me, after leaving jws , is really refreshing to read different oppinions. I don`t know hebrew or aramic so there is no way of checking this statements but if this is really accurate then it makes it interesting. what do you think?


  • Makaveli

    To me, this is just another example of somebody adding 2 and 2 together and getting yet another 'interpretation' of the Bible. I don't know why people get carried away about other peoples opinions for, because they are not worth any more or less than what our own opinions are.

    When you are away from the JW's, you really begin to see the bigger picture don't you? Here we have a planet where almost everybody has some kind of answer, or 'truth'...yet nobody can really prove it.

    You are right, it is refreshing to see other peoples opinions, but for me only refreshing because it backs up my own opinion... that is that its a total waste of time. Those words for instance can mean other things in Hebrew.... yet another example of somebody ready to pounce with their version of truth.

    It is interesting to learn of Hebrew words, though. For instance, the name ISRAEL actually means 'FIGHTER of EL' ( Isra-el)

    EL was a Canaanite High God, represented by a Bull... which is simply discarded as a pagan symbol nowadays. BETH - EL means House of El. It is by examining these Hebrew words that we can arrive at a bigger picture...that this God represented by a Bull later became known as Yahweh.

    The hidden message of the Bible that screams out to us once we read it at face value is that in the beginning, man created God. Hidden codes and extensive pseudo biblical study are worthless once the foundation of such has been proved false.

  • invictus


    thank you for your response - I do agree with you that nobody can own the truth or have definite answers. that is one positive thing that I learned after my jw experience - I know that if someone is offering me mind gymnastics to back up his statements or is so sure about everything- I ran in opposite way.

    I became witness after being raised in comunist country and started to study the Bible because of curiosity - why would millions of people be drawn to it,and even thou I do not believe anymore in jws interpretation I still find the bible interesting, and as many are going to put down everything they read in the bible,there are as many that will support it.

    this guy, Chuck Missler introduces himself as having personal background in the information sciences - computers,communications and cryptography;he holds graduate degrees in engineering and business, and spent a 30-year career in the hi-tech enterprises.

    I know this may not be at all important for the validity of his claims,still it shows me that he may not be complete religious fundamentalist and that his study is based on some factual approach.

    I guess I still have a need to believe in higher purpose of us humans being on earth than just fertilizers after we live pitiful 70 - 80 years.


  • Makaveli

    Be careful of who's advice you buy.

  • frenchbabyface

    Well Makaveli ... I'd like to know you more ...

  • invictus

    thank you for suggestion,

    I try to take everything with a grain of salt as been said,that is why I welcome and respect your opinion.still I am amazed that even today in this time and age people do believe in bible and give some statements that I cannot approve or disapprove 100%, and that is what is mysterious about bible.

    you have every right to discredit the bible based on your own experience or study of it ,yet it is not definite answer to is there more to bible than we know it.

    i really do appreciate your replies.take care


  • DevonMcBride

    The Kabbalah is also a study of hidden messages in the bible.

  • invictus

    I am not much familiar with Kabbalah. on the site where I looked it is defined as a jewish mysticism.; and that the bible and jewish law teach man how to relate to god yet kabbalah teaches how god relates to us; that said it probably mostly deals with old testament.

    in the booklet I am reading it gives conection between messages in old and their fulfillment in new testament. for example( this is quote):

    "Even the word "Torah" itself drawing on the concepts that lie behind original Hebrew letters,embodies some provocative elements: the Tav ( originally a cross), the Vav ( a nail). the Resh( the head of a man) ,and the Heh ( the breath or Spirit of God).Thus,Man, with the Spirit of God, nailed on the Cross! This term was in existence well before Messiah walked on earth."

    purpose of this booklet is not as much to define god in mere human terms but to show us how to look beyond immediate context of the bible and its message, not as a record of an evolving cultural tradition, but as an integrated message system , the product of supernatural engineering.


  • rem

    still I am amazed that even today in this time and age people do believe in koran and give some statements that I cannot approve or disapprove 100%, and that is what is mysterious about koran.


  • invictus


    yes, I know you can insert the title of any " sacred " book in that statement with the intention of discrediting it. it is very possible that many book can be "decoded" as having some secret messages. but what makes it unique with the bible is that those messages are not random but rather integrated and in harmony with each other. and I am not taking about understanding the prophecies that sometimes seem more to hide the truth than to reveal it; I find interesting to read about almost mathematical design within sentence structure.

    as I said I find it interesting , I am not betting my life on it.

    thank you for your replay.

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