27393 Days... what are you doing with them?

by Elsewhere 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    I did some simple math realized that if a person lives 75 years they only get 27,393 days. Not very many days when you stop and think about it.

    I've already burned through more than 11,322 days... almost half.

    What are you doing with your 27 thousand days? What have you done with this one?

  • donkey

    I will spend my time counting them.

  • JH

    Eat, Drink, Sleep, Shit

  • pettygrudger

    Well, I know what Elsewhere is doing with them - walking around with a tee-shirt that says "Man Ho = $20.00"

    Seriously though, very sobering thoughts Elsewhere. I remember a thread by Teejay regarding the Marbles in the Jar, and how we should remember to appreciate and live the time we have on this earth (at least this go around).

    I spent today cleaning house, playing with my children & quality time with hubby. I couldn't ask for a better day.

  • Elsewhere

    @ PG

    Hell... I'm tempted to have a shirt like that printed up! "Quality time" huh?

  • drwtsn32

    $20 might be a bit steep, don't you think?

  • Undecided

    I was washing my cars and I told my buddy that I had been doing this car washing since I was a teenager, and what has it got me. He said,"old". I thought a minute and said,"that is the best anything could do for me".

    Ken P.

  • ballistic

    I need to fly concorde before I die. I may not even have that much time as it may be taken out of service again.. Apparently the R & D on a new concorde is not viable, so when it's gone, that's it. Gotta be done.

  • Gopher

    Counting my days... by putting first the Kingdom and waiting patiently for Jehovah to execute all non-Jehovah's Witnesses.


  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Lol @ Gopher

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