Happy Thanksgiving Canadians!
by Odrade 15 Replies latest jw friends
thank you,
this year is going to be first thanksgiving for us and it will be mix of western and slavic traditions- thanksgiving with pork roast supper- at least one turkey is going to be happy
Special K
Thanks for thinking of us Odrade.
I haven't had time to be in the forum the past couple days.. been busy getting everything ready for thanksgiving tomorrow.
I'm so THANKFUL that I'm not a J.W. anymore.
My immediate family love thanksgiving and right after the meal .. we all sit down and each of us tell what we have to be thankful for this past year. It's interesting to hear . what the kids saythey are thankful for..and sometimes quite humourous.
gobble gobble to all fellow Canadians tomorrow..
best wishes
Special K
Have a nice day everyone.
Happy thanksgiving.
Thanks Odrade!
Happy Canuck Thanksgiving ALL
Thanks Very Much!!! I will spend it alone. But I dont like Turkey anyway!!!!But I will have a lovely peaceful day!!!! A real blessing.Just had a girl from Morocco -studing with JWs Watched the video.Methinks she IS GOING TO CELEBRATE THANKSGIVING LOL
Save me some turkey, eh?
concerned mama
Thank you very much. I have so much to be thankful for. I am having 10 for dinner, mostly family but a few strays. It will be great fun.
Stacy Smith
Happy Thanksgiving and you remember that I like the dark meat, right?
Ok eh!