"Rush" to Judgement

by Swickley 23 Replies latest social family

  • Swickley
    Ah Swickley, spreading more leftwing hate?

    Are you implying that the Newsweek article is spreading leftwing hate? Every day some new info about Limbag's drug habit is announced (e.g. it now has been reported that his hearing loss was cause by his drug abuse of Oxycontin), but according to your definition -- it's nothing more than leftwing hate.

    As I already stated, what makes Limpbag's drug addiction revelation so noteworthy is not that he accidentally became hooked [if that be true], but rather it reveals his total hypocrisy. He has persistently -and loudly- pummeled drug abusers (e.g., other addicts like himself), and has never shown any compassion for such individuals. So while he was popping pills and abusing painkillering drugs, at the same time he was blasting away at drug users/abusers. He is only interested in pandering to his right wing fans. You can call it leftwing hate, but I call it FACT.

  • DakotaRed

    You can call it fact, but that doesn't make it so, just another hateful opinion. You are just as, if not more, guilty of what you accuse him of, plain and simple.

    Why not present factual transcipts of what you accuse him of, instead of snippets taken from someone elses site and out of context? Why? Because you can't! All you're capable of doing is spreading the hate you accuse him of.

    No need to respond, anybody. I'm sick of the hate here.

  • Aztec

    Dakota, I really like you! You're reasonable and dispassionate in your argumentation. That cool reasoning is what gets more volatile people worked up.

    Swickley, what's up with all the anger towards Rush? I don't like the man myself. I've always found him rather obnoxious but, I feel bad for him right now. The fact that the media is focusing so intensely on this is pathetic. Isn't there anything more interesting to talk about...like a Bennifer sighting...LOL!

    Roybatty, you're right on!


  • JT
    Rush Limbaugh and the conservatives, while having some valid points, are not right all the time. America needs ideas from both the right wing and the left wing to "fly" effectively.

    EXCELLENT POINT i see both groups at times offer excellent points and then at the same time offer "JackA$$" points

    what is so sad is how i see most folks on either side are like JW THEY REFUSE TO SAY OR ACKNOWLEDGE Anything BAD about thier team

    in wt we all refused to publicly say that wt had goofy dogmas, instead we made excuses out the yin yag

    rush often times made excellent points and then at times he went off the deep end, yet rarely i have read or seen or heard of a rush supporter holding his feet to the fire for anything and the same came be said on the other side as well

    clinton and hilllary can't do any wrong - for some

    yet as the posted mentioned it takes both wings to fly AND in my view that is why we will continue to have major gridlock when it comes to helping the real americans who put the rubber to the pavement each morning as to some TALKING HEADS

  • JT
    People seem to forget that before becoming this "talk radio icon", Rush was just a no-name top 40 dj. Why anyone cared about his daily "bitching" shows is beyond me. Rush represents "white" America about as much as Jesse Jackson represents "black" America. They're both individuals who have done nothing but are great at stirring up peoples emotions. Both love to point out the mistakes of others but fail to live up to their own standards. One has to wonder if Rush would have come forward with this drug problem if he hadn't been caught. I doubt it.

    I agree, rush pimps white folks by bringing up their greatest fear OUR COUNTRY IS BEING TAKING OVER BY THEM FOREIGNERS- yet it is some of the largerst corp in america that are run by "Conservative" white men who make decisons to move 100,000 of jobs out of the country- if you look at the top wealthiest folks in this country, such as the boys who belong to the country club in Augusta, GA who are literally the CAPTAINS OF INDUSTRY these guys could care less if the poor hard working white guy in Tyler Tx lost his job by him moving jobs to INDIA AND My boy Jesse does the same thing-- he scares the hell out of black folks by telling them "Whitey" is out to get you - Al Sharpton and Jesse have mastered the art of how to BEAT WHITEY DOWN- many folks often ask "What the hell does jesseAl do for a living" they SHAKE DOWN WHITE CORP AMERICA , now it is not like they are doing for the black community, hell no, they are doing it for themselves- I know folks who used to work for Jesse when he was on 17th and K street here in DC and then he moved down to Georgetown $$$$$ this is how it works- you may have some company that may not really care for hiring alot of blacks at the executive - so jesse and al will roll up in that camp and say - hey look you aint got no black in the exe suit, all the bro are down in the mailroom- now you got to choices 1 do nothing and we will bus 50000, negros into this city and surround your building producing bad press and you will lose biz or 2. you can hire a couple bros and CONTRIBUTE TO OUR CAUSE OF DIVERSITY by cutting a chk $$$$$$$ to the Rainbow Coalition so if this company did have some issue with race the solution only is a patch to the problem, but it keeps jesse off thier backs and Passifies the black community cause we can see a BRO who works up in the exec office of course there will not be ANY OTHER BLACKS COMING IN THE FIRM at that level, but for most black folks One is better than nothing and they are some happy black folks Jesse on the other hand has been on TV praising this settlement and givign the impression he really did something for the black community and dumb black folks are left thinking the same instead what jesse has done is gotten a ck for $$1-2 million dollars for NON profit that HE , HIS WIFE AND KIDS ARE ALL BOARDMEMEBERS AND OFFICER, ok he got a few Flunky friends who sit on the board, but they know what side their bread is buttered on- smile so i see both Major spokesmans for both sides playing the FEAR CARD and as a result have reaped $$$$miLLIONS DOES ANYone recall that beer company that jesse was protesting, well after all was said and done one of his sons ended up WITH A BEER DISTRIBUTSHIP you got to love it i also heard thru my sources that folks in the office knew about that baby long before the story broke about jesse, but black folks couldn't make bro jesse look bad, so they hide it to keep the image going kinda reminds one of a JW making up excuses for the wt behavoior as for old Rush if he didn't have such a long track record of dogging folks on drugs or those who fall short, instead if he had been known as a heavy supporter of drug treatment, abuse homes , etc then the backlash would not have been so great to me Rush reminds me of the Wt getting caught up in the UN issue not the fact that the wt was dealing with the UN, but the long histroy of how they viewed, others who did and the same with rush - it really ain[t for me the fact that he got hooked on drugs , but the way he has dealt, and dogged others just the other day they had the top director of a drug center here in dc discuss the issue AND HE made an excellent point while Rush fans are quick to run in and say "HE AIN'T LIKE A CRACK USER OR HERION USER" this dr explained that THE DRUG MATTERS NOT- FOR HE WILL go thru the same withdrawal, same mental demons and the SAME TREATMEnt program to rid his body, the same about of support system when he leaves will be needed, the same determination to stay clean as he put it "Drugs don't care about your status, race, political views, etc" they impact the family and loved ones the same way and i thought that was a deep point- so all the back and forth from one side to the other means nothing to the folks who will be helping Rush and the 1000's of others who will be trying to clean up their lives it is just unfortunate that he has to Eat Crow in the process

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    No need to respond, anybody. I'm sick of the hate here.

    As I am Lew

  • Perry

    Many excellent points JT

  • jayhawk1


    Isn't there anything more interesting to talk about...like a Bennifer sighting...LOL!

    I am guessing you listen to the Don and Mike show.

  • JT
    Many excellent points JT

    hey man just trying to keep it real after being a dyed in the wool society man, i can spot a person who spouts the "Company Line" being it religious , politic, biz etc and the same mindset that many of us had as jw is also well and alive in many other areas of human life where one refuses to acknowledge that someone we love and respect screwed up I see rush supports act like all is well in Boogie Wonderland- and the same with jesse when it came out about his baby I KNOW black folks who went into denial faster that a JW shown the paper work of the wt signing up to be a NGO of the UN so that type of "Mindset" is so dangerous for it creates in a person the inabilty to call a spade a spade i firmly belive, COMMEND A PERSON WHERE DESERVEd AND HOLD THIER FEET TO THE FIRE WHEN NEEDED that it the FAIR AND BALANCED Way to deal with issues just my 2

  • Badger

    I won't dignify this belabored topic with a response....oops!

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