It peeves me to no end when persons don't want to be bothered. My father was an elder and my mother was neurotic and she couldn't handle anyone calling day or night, because she is just plain meserable. So when dad would leave she wouldn't answer the telephone. Even after dad died she refused to answer the phone for fear it may be a fellow christian just wanting to speak to her and chat. Another sister lives three doors down from her and my mom won't answer the door to her, my mom rarely answers her door bell, Just plain crumpy and she just can't be bothered to speak to anyone. She has been like this for years. Dad was very different he always made himself available to the cong. he was propably the exception to the rule.
But one on the main reasons I left the org, was on account of the decreasing amount of love. They just can't be bothered. No one to talk to you, they want you to look up your own research. I had one elder say to me Terry, How old are you, and I told him and he said to me then can't you figure out the problem for yourself? What the hell that meant is beyond me. And I really needed help. So I stopped asking for help.
But hey if they got wind of the fact you knew of some wrong doing in the hall they wanted me to spill my guts and tell on my friends.
They don't care they are spys and they are wanting to eleminate the bad apples. They no longer show mercy. Its just okay and then next thing you know your out of the Borg.
I have seen families fight among themselves that it flows into the congregation and its causes cong. divisions. One family with friends on one side of the fighting family and then the other way. The meetings are tense. Elders don't listen to meetings they are in the back of the hall conversing about who knows what. They made the cong. feel ill at ease all the time.
Elderly and ill persons in the hospital the friends in the cong. don't visit you, reason, you don't know why because they are nice to you at the hall. Other persons are visited at hospital and they make sure they are okay. To me this is major Double Standards. Why should you care for one more than another? The cong. have brothers who go to the hospital regularly to see who among the cong. are ill and are to visit them.. Yeh right.....they don't visit, I know because this has happened to me on several occasians.
They invite certian ones to their homes but leave out other, because they don't seem to come up to your so-called standards or statis. I was sick of it and I can write a book miles longs but whats the points.
Its as one of you mention that he Belongs to Babylon the Great, and his church takes care of their congregations. And that is the truth, they do more good for people even people not of their faith and they never judge you.
So who has the caring spirits? Well it sure is not JWs If it is it is to certain ones of class distinction and I know this as all of you know this. Will a wealthy brother ask a not so wealthy brother out to a golf and dinner, or to join them at their homes for supper and an evening of swimming in their pools and hot tubs and I know there is a lot of this that goes on.