The impact of guilt, obligation and fear of Watchtower

by Truthexplorer 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Truthexplorer
    I find it very sad that people have limited choices as to whether they wish to stay or leave Watchtower. Many are simply held captive as a result. Fear of losing family and friends being the biggest factor. For those who choose to fade, the whole setup of Watchtower creates the situation where it becomes embarrassing to maintain friendships per se which is understandable; and good longtime friendships are affected as a result. It really grinds my gears that 7 geezers in New York can have such control over people. Where are peoples rights to religious freedom in GB's tangled web of policies?
  • Finkelstein

    There isn't any, the imposition of fear to leave and show support for another religion even another Christian based faith is seen as reverting to support Satan and his wicked system of things and is firmly admonished.

    People who do leave stating their disagreements to the doctrines are called out and identified as being mentally diseased, those are purposely shunned by all the other JWS.

    Rigidly enforced loyalty is firmly imposed to all and is continuously screened for that pressing loyalty individuality.

    Being that this organization was founded on suspicious questionable doctrines and teachings, is this rigid formation of loyalty surprising ?

  • stuckinarut2
    Because they alone are "gods spokesmen" on earth...that's why!
  • Lostwun
    It's a captive organization. Once your ass is in ain't no getting out easy.
  • smiddy

    stuck ,

    Yet Geoffrey Jackson under oath when asked by the ARC if he believed Jehovah`s Witnesses alone had God`s blessing / truth ( or words to that effect )


    "That would be presumptuous of me to say that "

    Isn`t that contrary to what the G.B. teach ?


  • Vidiot

    smiddy - "Isnt that contrary to what the G.B. teach ?"


    Yes it is.


    So he was either practicing "theocratic warfare" (which is highly ironic, as theocratic warfare was brought up previously during the RC)...

    ...or he displayed an accidental (albeit refreshing) moment of honesty. :smirk:

  • MarkofCane
    Russell said it best "religion is a snare and a racket" First they snare you in there trap of fear, obligation and guilt then they scam (racket) you of your life, money & freedom.
  • Hadriel

    For what it's worth Russell would roll over in his grave if he knew the depths of the organization and the control today. that was never his intention. Sort of interesting what it has all become since he left organization religion for this the very reason many find issue with JW today.

    Talk about oxymoron.

  • Finkelstein

    The core agenda to the WTS and its leaders was and is to create a public awareness and provocation of fear exploited by the present existing belief in the bible. ie.

    ..... Mankind is living in the last days

    ...... This living generation is the last generation to witness the prophetic teachings set in the bible

    ...... Jesus has returned and looking to see who he's going to destroy and who he's going to let live

    ...... who lives is dependent upon how loyal and subjective one is to his chosen earthly organization

    the Watchtower Corporation in obedience and servitude to this organization and its leaders

  • Finkelstein

    Naaaaaa, the Watchtower Corporation never utilized fear to attract attention to its literature or to stimulate the distribution of that literature..

    This is all apostate fabrication.

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