Obamacare screwed me over financially and from what I can gather it going down in flames Trump or no Trump. That's not being a Trump apologist, just a realist. America's whole approach to health care is a giant disaster. I don't care who's bill it is, we have it all ass-backwards in the first place.
They Did It!!!
by snowbird 58 Replies latest jw friends
I believe single-payer would work best, also.
But, who am I?
Or, a good, strong, toothy public option.
Our healthcare system encourages massive waste and massive billing, it has nothing to with wellness. THAT needs to be changed first. All these healthcare acts are a farce.
Preaching to the choir, brother.
I worked in healthcare before retirement.
Saw it first-hand.
health care is a racket ,,, government needs to regulate big pharma for one , insulin for diabetics is outrageous ,, everything gets charged more because of the insurance . I hope whatever they do they don't pull the plug on people for no reason . I've heard good and bad about the AHCA , people didn't keep their doctor or lost insurance all together . Some saying premiums and co pays are too high . I think putting money in hands of government is a bad thing as they always claim to run out such as this single payer plan , we need to get the federal government out of it maybe better
The US healthcare system is a disaster - one of the most expensive and also least effective. It's a real outlier - you're paying more to live shorter lives:
But hey, the health of the US health industry is great, big bucks.
I can't believe it is considered acceptable in the US to make changes to 1/6th of the economy, affecting millions of lives in dramatic ways, when those changes have not been properly scored, reviewed or even read by the people who vote on them...
American healthcare is a giant shit show
Just take a look at how out of whack America is with prescription opioid abuse/death. No other place in the world comes close. But you got some serious pharma fat asses rolling in dough. We pretty much have everything wrong. That's why to me these 'Obamacares' and 'Trumpcares' are jokes. Just keeping the shit show going in the public's eyes.
Village Idiot
When all is said and restated it all boils down to one thing. Canada has a life expectancy 81.9 years. The United States 79.8. Canadians live 2 years longer than Americans.